What to do if you’ve been injured on Public Transit


As convenient and environmentally friendly as the option is, nobody loves the idea of riding on public transit. Feeling akin to a sardine is far from exciting, and frequent delays can be immensely frustrating. Regardless, public transit is a helpful service, even if riders are at the mercy of it.

While streetcar, bus, and subway rides are typically very smooth, occasionally an individual is injured during their post-work commute. In the event that you are injured while riding in a public transit vehicle, this valuable information can assist you on the road to seeking compensation for your injuries:

Speak to the Driver

Nobody on public transit wants any trouble, and everyone on it is willing to do his or her part to avoid it. While commuters simply wish to arrive home safely, vehicle operators just want to complete their workday without unnecessary headaches. In the event that you are injured on a public transit vehicle, it is imperative that if possible, you immediately report the injury to the driver so that he or she can report it to their senior. Furthermore, focus on obtaining as much information as you can about the vehicle you have been injured on so that you have something concrete to bring to the courts instead of simply claiming you were injured on “a bus”.

Difficulties in Collecting Compensation

After you’ve suffered your injury, there is potential that you can collect Statutory Accident Benefits from the public transit company you were relying on to get you home safely. Unfortunately, problems have been known to arise for those seeking compensation for this type of injury if the vehicle they were riding in didn’t crash into another motor vehicle.

This is challenging for some, as most whiplash or slip and fall public transit injuries are catalyzed by the event of the driver slamming on the breaks to avoid colliding with another vehicle.

While some public transit accident victims do experience issues in receiving compensation for their pain and suffering, our personal injury lawyers are here to ensure that doesn’t happen to you. As with any legal issue, all it takes is a strong team of litigators dedicated to proving your case. If you’ve been injured on a public transit vehicle, it’s vital that you don’t waste time deciding if you wish to seek compensation. This is due to the fact that there can be limitation periods after an accident in which the sufferer must report their injuries if they hope to receive the justice they deserve.

If you have been injured, and need legal assistance, call #1000 on your cell phone for free. We will offer you a free claim assessment.

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Can Social Media Affect the Outcome of your Injury Claim?

In the present day, it’s no secret that anything you post online goes onto your digital permanent record. Deleted posts, while not visible to your friends or family, never fully disappear. Therefore, it is extremely imperative that those who enjoy sharing photos, status updates, and location information with their social media audiences be mindful about what they choose to post.

You wouldn’t want your boss to see your long-winded status update complaining about the new office policy, would you? Our guess is no. However, job security is no longer the only thing that can be threatened by social media – personal injury claims are too. Allow us to explain:

Inconsistent Images

Social media is not typically the most authentic place. Your feeds have given you the opportunity to present the most envy-inducing version of yourself to anyone who views them, and most people take advantage of that power.

Including defense attorneys.

If your life were dramatically altered after a car accident-related brain injury, chances are that you wouldn’t post or feel like posting when you were in the midst of dealing with painful side effects. Mental health issues caused by the accident will likely go unmentioned on your Facebook timeline, and details about the physical injuries you sustained will not be described in detail, if at all.

So how does it look to an opportunistic defense attorney, when on the one evening you decided to go to your friend’s annual Labour Day barbecue, multiple photos were taken and posted online that made it appear that you were out and about, having the time of your life?

This is where many sufferers who are seeking compensation for their injuries misstep. If you’re claiming the accident has dramatically affected your emotional life, but meanwhile, you’re trying to portray a carefree and happy image on social media, the defense could use that as evidence to have your case thrown out.

Proper Protocol

If you experience a personal injury, it is wise to avoid posting anything on social media from the day you are injured until the day your case has been settled in court. Despite your abstinence from social media, friends and family still have the power to post updates and images related to you. Therefore, it is highly advised that you speak to those within your inner circle about the potential risks associated with your social media presence, and ask them to avoid mentioning you online. Furthermore, while having airtight privacy settings is a good security step to take, the settings may not protect you from the defense gaining access to your posts.

Social media can be great fun, however, suffering after a personal injury is far from it.

Fast dial #1000 free from your cell and we’ll get you the support you need.

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Motorcycle Safety 101

As far as cars go, there is a wide selection of technologically innovative models on the road right now that assist in elevating their driver’s socioeconomic image. For teenagers, having a vehicle is a symbol of independence that often leads to popularity, and as we look at older generations, there is little difference in the way having an expensive vehicle can affect social status.

However, carmakers can spend as many hours as they’d like creating newer, more advanced models to roll out onto the market, but no vehicle will ever provide its owner with the same amount of “The Effortlessly Cool Factor” that a motorcycle can.

Motorcycles, in all their glory, are a symbol. They’re relatively low maintenance, super fast, and even fuel-efficient. Unfortunately, motorcycles are far more dangerous for riders than vehicles are for drivers. In fact, according to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS), motorcyclists are 30 times more likely to get into fatal collisions.

While many riders never get into a collision, the reality is that if you love riding your motorcycle, you should be doing so with caution. Here are some helpful tips for reducing your risk of injury or collision while you’re hitting the open road on your motorbike:

Don’t take Risks

It seems quite obvious, but for many riders, the appeal of speeding and weaving through traffic on the highway can be very strong. In fact, this dangerous behaviour not only puts your life in danger, but the lives of every other vehicle on the road. If you are riding a motorcycle, you are not exempt from the basic rules of the road. It’s as simple as that.

Buy Antilock Breaks

You’d presume that on motorbikes, which are proven to put riders at a higher risk than vehicles do to drivers, antilock breaks would be a staple. However, they are noticeably absent on a wide variety of bike models. This lifesaving feature prevents riders from experiencing loss of steering control due to locked breaks. According to IIHS, in fatal motorcycle collisions, antilock break systems are 37 percent less likely to be installed on the bikes that crashed. Do yourself a favour and make the investment. You’ll be thankful you did.

Wear a Helmet

No matter how many studies are published surrounding the lifesaving benefits of helmet use, there will always be individuals who choose to forego wearing one. It is our advice to not be that person. Even head injuries that are not fatal cause sufferers to experience life altering physical and mental health issues. As a rider, investing in and wearing a helmet that covers your entire face is the best way to practice prevention and protect yourself when you’re out on the streets.

While the aforementioned tips are far from the only steps that you as a rider can take to minimize your risk of injury, taking them will place you on the right path to becoming a defensive and cautious motorcycle rider. Motorcycle crashes can be devastating to riders and their families.

If you have been injured, and need legal assistance, call #1000 on your cell phone for free. We will offer you a free claim assessment.

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School is in Session: How to Drive Accordingly

Another summer has come and (nearly) gone. For parents, back to school season is one filled with both immense excitement and relief. But as the warm weather fades into your rearview, it’s imperative that you keep your eyes on the road ahead when dropping off and picking up your children from school. School buses are back on the roads, and children have been known to forget to look both ways before crossing the street. Plus, heavily crowded school drop off and pick up zones are known to be a nightmare for those navigating their way through them.

To avoid accident or injury, be sure to educate yourself with these useful “back to school” driving pointers:

Sharing the Road with School Busses

 They’re large, they’re yellow, and you can’t miss them. However, many drivers are unaware of these common safety precautions they should be taking when sharing the road with school busses:

  • Increase the following distance between your vehicle and the bus, so that you have more time to stop if necessary.
  • If passing a bus, do so with immense caution and keep and eye out for children who may walk into traffic without realizing the risks associated with their actions.

Drop off Zone Safety

 In the hours before and after school, rushed parents are often doing their best to navigate their way through densely congested pick up and drop off zones. Here are some of the best rules you should be following in order to safely move through a school’s drop off zone:

  • Do not double-park.
  • Opt to carpool if it’s a possibility, as it cuts down on traffic at the school.
  • Do not pick up or drop off your children anywhere but the designated area.

A Word on Speeding

While speeding is frowned upon at all times, speeding within a school zone is especially reckless. As a parent, you are aware that children behave impulsively. Therefore, it isn’t difficult to imagine a scenario where a child crouching behind a parked vehicle on the road during a harmless game of hide and seek jumps out onto the road. You can never predict how children are going to behave, and this is why school zone regulations must be followed.

While the summer months may have been a well-deserved break from homework help, PTA meetings, and driving through the dreaded drop off zones – classes have commenced. As a driver, it is vital that you stay focused on the road and drive cautiously through student-populated areas. Unfortunately, not all drivers take the caution necessary to keep roads safe.

Fast dial #1000 free from your cell and we’ll get you the support you need.

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The Ethical Issues Surrounding Self-Driving Vehicles

The future has arrived. Due to powerful innovators, past pipe dreams of technologically advanced inventions are quickly becoming reality. Furthermore, the auto industry is a major innovative player. While it has produced awe-inspiring machinery advancements over the years, driverless cars will be the most groundbreaking product the public has seen to date.

In a typical vehicle, the driver controls everything from speed, lane changes, and direction. The margin for human error is so large that each week, millions of car accidents take place across the globe. Distracted driving is a becoming a serious issue that governments must combat, as too many lives have been lost or dramatically altered due to vehicle collisions that could have been avoided.

Driverless cars, on the other hand, will be safer due to the highly intelligent computers that will be operating them. However, there are ethical questions that car manufacturers must address quickly surrounding these autonomous vehicles that are set to hit the streets in mass quantities in the near future.

Programmed for Accidents

While there are presently already plenty of self-driving cars on the streets, they will be unable to be released en masse until auto innovators have made this ethically troubling decision: Who should the car save in the event of an unavoidable accident?

Let’s say that you went out in the next few years and bought yourself a self-driving car. In the months, even years after you’ve made your purchase, you’re completely satisfied with the vehicle and all the convenience it has brought into your life. Everything about the car is great, until one day while driving your typical route to work you find yourself approaching what will undoubtedly be an unavoidable collision. Five pedestrians have run out into the street, and the only way your car can avoid hitting them is to steer itself into the nearby brick wall, killing you in the process.

The Undecided Answer

This is where things become difficult. Of course, minimizing the death toll is important, but not many people will want to purchase a car that is programmed to kill them despite the risk of accidents being higher if they bought a regular vehicle.

Automakers will soon decide, albeit after conducting meticulous research, how to approach this ethical dilemma. Regardless of their decision, there will certainly be many more aspects to consider when seeking compensation for driverless car related injuries.

If you have been injured, and need legal assistance, call #1000 on your cell phone for free. We will offer you a free claim assessment.

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Avoiding Injury on the Playground – What Parents need to know

What child doesn’t love going to the playground? It isn’t just the slides, swings, and sand pits that can provide hours of fun. The playground gives children opportunities to socialize with their peers, exercise, and simply enjoy their carefree age. However, as cheerful as children are at the playground, there is always a risk of injury when they are at play.

Each year, more than 28,000 children are injured on Canadian playgrounds. To help ensure that your child remains safe, the Canadian Safety Council advises that parents take note of the “5 S’s of playground safety”:


 Playground structures are evolving to be made out of higher quality materials. Many older ones, however, are less advanced. Before you allow your child to run free on a play structure, ensure that:

  • All staircases or steps have good traction.
  • Swing set seats are made of soft material with spacing of at least two feet apart.
  • Swing sets are situated a good distance away from the main playground.
  • The slides are not metal, as hot metal in the sun has the potential to burn skin.


If a child falls from a play structure, what the ground surface is made of can be a deciding factor on whether a child gets injured. Surfaces should be shock absorbing, and ones made out of wood chips, shredded rubber, and sand can minimize the risk of falling-related injuries. Asphalt, dirt, concrete, and grass, however, are unsafe. Furthermore, surfaces should be 12 inches deep, and surround the entire playground radius.


As a parent, you know that supervision is a critical part of keeping your child safe. Since children are not always aware, or ignore completely the risks of climbing unsafely on playgrounds, it is the parent’s job to ensure that their child is playing safely.


Unfortunately, playgrounds are a common place for teenagers to go at nightfall. Once you arrive, be sure to scan the site and look for any broken glass, or nails and bolts from the equipment laying around.


Before allowing your child to participate in playground games with his or her friends, take the time to go over any playground rules posted at the park. By ensuring that your child understands the risks associated with playing on the structure before they take off, you can dramatically reduce their desires to engage in risky behaviours. Furthermore, most playgrounds have separate areas for different age groups, and parents of toddlers should make sure their child stays away from the larger structures designed for older children.

While parents can certainly do their part to keep their children safe at the playground, sometimes a child’s injury is simply due to lack of maintenance. There is only so much injury prevention a parent can practice, so cities must do their part to properly maintain their playgrounds.

Fast dial #1000 free from your cell and we’ll get you the support you need.

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Know your Liabilities at the Dog Park

For your precious pooch, trips to the dog park can be a weekly highlight. Chasing tails, competitive fetch, and sniffing new scents make off leash parks ideal places for owners to stop by on their daily dog walks to help socialize their pet. However, things can go south quickly if owners fail to monitor their dog’s activity and temperament.

You see, dogs are mans best friend – until they’re not. A dog bite, whether the victim is a human or another dog, can be extremely painful to deal with depending on the severity and location of the attack.

If you’re planning on heading to the dog park anytime in the near future, be sure to brush up on everything you need to know about dog bite liability:

Don’t Rule your Pup Out

Don’t think your dog will bite another dog or stranger at the off-leash park? Canada sees 500,000 dog bites each year, and all of those offending pups were certainly just as beloved to their owners as your animal is to you.

Unfortunately, most people do not understand the responsibilities they have as dog owners, and the legal troubles that they can face if their canine bites. Even the most well-behaved and diligently trained dogs can pose a risk – as humans can never fully understand the behaviour of animals when they’re placed in unfamiliar territory.

Regardless of whether or not your dog is always on his or her best behaviour around loved ones, always be aware that things can take a turn for the worse when owners become too lax about supervision.

Know your Responsibilities

 If your dog bites another dog or owner, and there were witnesses to the event, the victim has the right to phone animal services. If contact is made, animal services job will then be to find out whether or not your dog is “vicious or dangerous.” This definition could mean any of the following:

  • A dog that has attacked, bitten, or caused injury to a person or has demonstrated a propensity, tendency, or disposition to do so.
  • A dog that, while running at large, has aggressively pursued or harassed a person.
  • A dog that, while running at large, has aggressively pursued or harassed a domestic animal.
  • A dog with a known propensity to attack or injure a person without provocation.

However, if your animal is found to be a threat, it doesn’t mean you will be ordered to put it down. In some locations, dog bite cases result in public muzzling rulings for the animal.

The Reality of Legal Proceedings

 Although Ontario used to judge cases based on the “one bite” rule, that allowed dogs one bite before their owner could be found negligent, things have changed dramatically.

The Dog Owner’s Liability Act in Ontario rules that proving owner negligence is not required of dog bite victims when seeking compensation for their injuries. However, if your dog has bitten someone, the liabilities you may be asked to pay can vary depending on whether your canine was provoked or teased by the victim.

At the end of the day, domesticated animals rarely attack unless they feel threatened. Before taking your dog to the park, it’s imperative that they are already adequately socialized with other dogs and animals to ensure they don’t become overwhelmed and fearful when faced with a plethora of new furry faces. Even once the dog park is part of your basic routine, stay diligent and never take your eyes off your pet.

If you or your pet has been attacked at the dog park, seeking compensation for medical expenses can be an important step on the path to full recovery.

If you have been injured, and need legal assistance, call #1000 on your cell phone for free. We will offer you a free claim assessment.

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Who’s at Fault for Gym-Related Injuries?

Injuries can happen anywhere. Whether you’re doing something as simple as walking down the street, or engaging in a heated session of high-octane water sports – risk permeates all activities. In particular settings however, the presence of competitive rivalry can increase risk of injury due to the desire to out-perform.

No, were not talking about the sports field.

The location we are referring to is the one you go to after work to decompress, the place where you run for miles without even getting anywhere, that room where you physically challenge yourself and push your mental limits.

Yes, we mean the gym.

As much as the gym is a fantastic place to blow off steam, trim down, bulk up, and transition into a healthy headspace, it is also a place where injury occurrences are common.

If you’ve been injured at the gym, it can be tricky to get to the bottom of the case. Who is to blame? The manufacturer of the machine you injured yourself on? The gym owner who failed to maintain the machines? Or does the responsibility fall upon you?

Did you Sign a Waiver?

People injure themselves at the gym frequently due to dated and/or faulty equipment and careless management teams. However, most gym owners are aware of the risks that their facilities pose, and ensure that prospective gym members sign liability waivers that release them off any responsibility if an injury occurs. If you’ve been injured in an accident that was clearly the fault of your gyms’ slipshod management, but you signed a waiver, your case will be much harder to prove.

Furthermore, if you signed a liability form, your gym owner likely has no legal responsibility to provide you with the gym’s insurance information. However, it’s still wise to ask and try to get in touch with the company to see if you are eligible to receive a gym insurance settlement.

This is the optimal route to take, as gym-related injury claims are often dismissed before they reach trial due to the waivers that were signed by the injured before the accident occurred.

Don’t give up yet

Although gym-related injury claims can be hard to prove, loopholes residing in the waiver signed can often be the key to receiving the compensation necessary for your healing process. These loopholes can include:

  • Vague Language: When the waiver was too confusing for the prospective gym member to fully understand what they were signing.
  • Gross Negligence: When the gym owner displays zero care for the safety of his or her gym members to the point where it appears they are deliberately violating their right to safety. In order to win your case on a gross negligence claim, you must tie the injury you experienced to the negligent act that was committed by the gym owner.

Build your Case in the Moment

If you happen to become injured in the future at the gym, it’s imperative that you act quickly and strategically. Moments after the injury, if you are physically able, ensure that you take pictures of the cause of the accident. Furthermore, collect the contact information of any witnesses, so that you have them for testimonial purposes when the time comes.

While seeking compensation for a personal injury is a noble thing that sufferers can do for themselves after they have been involved in an accident, it is not always an easy path to retribution. Working with a personal injury lawyer who can assist them throughout the legal process, providing solid advice and strategies to win their case, is the best move to be made.

Fast dial #1000 free from your cell and we’ll get you the support you need.

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Summer Sports: How to Avoid Concussions on the Field

In today’s technologically driven society, the amount of time the average person spends outdoors has dramatically decreased. Children are foregoing playing games around the neighbourhood in favour of playing games on their iPads, and adults would rather count their steps with a fitness tracker than go for a Bluetooth-free stroll in the park. While the weather restricts people’s ability to spend quality time outdoors for many months of the year, summertime is when everything changes.

Summer sports leagues are hugely popular, and despite all the tempting technology out there, they remain one of the top ways for individuals to get fresh air and exercise. However, many outdoor sports pose the risk of concussions, and many individuals are not properly educated on what this means.

So what Exactly is a Concussion?

Think of your brain as gelatin. When you shake gelatin on a plate, it jiggles quite easily. However, the brain is a sensitive organ, and when you hit your head hard enough, your brain can physically move around the inside of your skull.

When this happens, a concussion can occur. These traumatic brain injuries are far more common than most people think, and can have devastating effects on the lives of sufferers. While they are mostly temporary, concussive effects can include headaches, memory problems, and concentration, balance, and coordination issues. Although most people recover fully from concussions, a person who has suffered multiple concussions, such as an athlete, may not.

Sports-related Concussions

Any blow to the head can induce a concussion, and that is why athletes must take great caution when participating in sports. For women, soccer players experience the highest risk, at a 50% chance of occurrence. For men, football is the sport that has the highest risk of concussion – at 75%. Due to the startling fact that 47% of athletes report no symptoms after experiencing a concussion, it is imperative that you check in with your body if you fear a concussive blow may have struck you.

Once an athlete has experienced their first concussion, the likelihood of sustaining another one doubles. Concussion reoccurrence is very common, in fact, if an athlete has had two concussions, they are 2-4 times more likely to sustain a third. Furthermore, if an athlete has experienced three concussions, they are 3-9 times more likely to experience a fourth. Each concussion leaves the brain more sensitive to future injury, and that is why preventative measures must be taken to avoid potentially permanent damage.

Minimize your Risk

Before hitting the field, ensure that you are aware of these effective strategies for minimizing your risk of sustaining a concussion:

  • Replace any old protective equipment with new gear. For example, if your helmet has fallen on the floor or been hit by another object, it needs to be tossed out for a new one, as helmets lose their effectiveness once they have suffered a blow.
  • Avoid head bumping the ball at all costs.
  • Sportsmanship is honourable. Don’t be overly aggressive because you may wind up hurt. In fact, 78% of sports-related concussions are sustained during games, when competitive rivalry is kicked into high gear.

Summer sports leagues provide the ideal opportunity for individuals to get outside and enjoy the warm weather. By educating yourself and implementing these preventative measures, you can participate in your favourite sports concussion-free.

Fast dial #1000 free from your cell and we’ll get you the support you need.

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How to Stay Safe at the Beach

In the summertime, packing your bags in the car and heading out to the beach is a familiar past time. Building sandcastles on the sand, surfing in the riptide, and enjoying soft serve cones on the boardwalk are all important rites of passage. However, while the beach provides an ideal location to visit on a sweltering summer afternoon, it also poses a multitude of risks for those who fail to take proper safety precautions.

Here are our tips for staying safe at the beach that will ensure you only have fun in the sun:

Check the Weather

If you’re driving a significant distance from your home to head to the beach, it’s wise to check the forecast for your destination. Ensure that there are no traveling thunderstorms that could make their way over to your location, as being anywhere near water when there is lightning striking is immensely dangerous.

Find some Shade

Nobody enjoys going to the beach on an overcast day, however, although the sun is warm and mood enhancing, it’s imperative that you don’t spend too much time in it. The first step to proper sun safety is applying sunscreen to yourself and any children before you even exit the car. With all the excitement of the beach, sunscreen application can be easily forgotten. It’s not uncommon for individuals who forego sunscreen to end up with symptoms of sunburn or sunstroke such as swelling, blisters, fever, chills, nausea, headache, or overall bodily weakness. Unchecked sun exposure can cause third-degree burns in some cases, so it’s vital to be mindful of the dangers and find some shade.

Expert tip: Another tried and true method to combat the negative effects of excessive sun exposure is to stay hydrated. So make sure to pack ice cold water bottles in your beach bag!

 Swim with Caution

Swimming at the local pool is one thing. You have smooth tiled floors, still waters, and a lifeguard but metres away. However, swimming at the beach requires much more intense concentration. If the water is choppy and you aren’t a strong swimmer, opt to participate in beach sports instead until the waves die down. Strong waves can cause serious injuries, such as broken bones, dislocated shoulders, and in some cases, spinal cord injuries and blunt organ trauma. When you are ready to get in the water, swim along the shore instead of towards the horizon, as the lake or ocean floor can drop off dramatically and leave you unable to touch the bottom, fatigued, and far from the shore. Furthermore, try to swim near the lifeguard station – as most drowning accidents occur in unguarded areas.

Beach outings are the ultimate weekend getaway activity, whether you’re simply looking to relax your mind with the sounds of waves hitting the shore, or get your adrenaline pumping with high-octane beach and water sports. By taking precautions beforehand and educating yourself and your loved ones about the risk factors of the beach, you can ensure that your trip is injury free.

Fast dial #1000 free from your cell and we’ll get you the support you need.


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