How Do I Know If I Need a Personal Injury Lawyer?

After experiencing a traumatic brain injury (TBI) or other serious injury, focusing on your recovery and getting the appropriate medical attention is important. If the injury occurred in a motor vehicle accident, at work or home, contacting an experienced personal injury lawyer can help you understand your legal rights. A lawyer can also help explain your options if your injuries were the result of negligence or malpractice.

There are many reasons why contacting a personal injury lawyer is in your best interest. Here are our top four:


1.    A personal injury lawyer will help answer your questions.

Anyone that has been seriously injured or had a loved one struggle with a major injury undoubtedly has questions. Personal injury lawyers with experience handling serious injury cases can help answer your important questions, such as “What happened?” and  “Do we have a case?”.

A personal injury lawyer will conduct a factual investigation through interviews, review of records, and through the experience of professional investigators/consultants to gain information leading up to and at the time of your injury.

The insurance companies representing any possible defendants will be conducting the same type of investigations. The experts at Dye and Russell have experience working with insurance companies and know how to get you the settlement you deserve.


2.    A personal injury lawyer will help you understand why an injury may have occurred.

Individuals that have experienced a traumatic brain injury (TBI), as well as their families, may not recognize that other individuals or entities may have contributed to their injury.

A lawyer will be able to assist in identifying all the individuals or entities that may have been a contributing factor to your injury. They will also ensure that those responsible are held accountable to the full extent of the law.


3.    A personal injury lawyer will help you understand your rights so you can make informed decisions.

Many serious injuries, such as a severe traumatic brain injury (TBI), are often permanent and require a considerable number of medical treatments and/or ongoing care.

Speaking with a personal injury lawyer as soon as possible, like the ones at Dye and Russell, will help preserve your right to civil action. Our experienced lawyers will work with you to understand your options and help you make an informed decision about moving forward with your case.


4.    A personal injury lawyer will help ensure you are fully compensated.

We understand how injuries impact you and your family in the present and how you will be impacted in the future.

The lawyers at Dye and Russell will work to ensure you and your family receive the maximum settlement that you are entitled to for current and future medical expenses. A personal injury lawyer will also seek compensation for current and future pain and suffering, both physical and mental, as well as any loss of wages.


Consulting an experienced personal injury lawyer in the wake of an accident is in your best interest. A lawyer will answer your questions and help you understand your rights or why an injury may have occurred. They are there to make sure you receive the maximum settlement you deserve so you can make a full recovery. Contact the team at Dye and Russell today by calling 1-877-883-6171.

Skye OliverHow Do I Know If I Need a Personal Injury Lawyer?
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Can Social Media Impact the Outcome of your Injury Claim?

In the present day, it is no secret that anything you post online goes onto your digital permanent record. Deleted posts, while not visible to your friends or family, never fully disappear. Therefore, it is extremely imperative that those who enjoy sharing photos, status updates, and location information with their social media audiences be mindful of what they choose to post.

You would not want your boss to see your long-winded status update complaining about the new office policy, would you? Our guess is no. However, job security is no longer the only thing that can be threatened by social media – personal injury claims are too. Allow us to explain:

Inconsistent Images

Social media is not typically the most authentic place. Your feeds have given you the opportunity to present the most envy-inducing version of yourself to anyone who views them, and most people take advantage of that power.

Including defence lawyers.

If your life were dramatically altered after a car accident-related brain injury, chances are that you would not post or feel like posting when you were in the midst of dealing with painful side effects. Mental health issues caused by the accident will likely go unmentioned on your Facebook timeline, and details about the physical injuries you sustained will not be described in detail, if at all.

So how does it look to an opportunistic defence lawyer, when on the one evening you decided to go to your friend’s annual Labour Day barbecue, multiple photos were taken and posted online that made it appear that you were out and about, having the time of your life?

This is where many sufferers who are seeking compensation for their injuries misstep. If you are claiming the accident has dramatically affected your emotional life, but meanwhile, you are trying to portray a carefree and happy image on social media, the defence could use that as evidence to have your case thrown out.

Proper Protocol

If you experience a personal injury, it is wise to avoid posting anything on social media from the day you are injured until the day your case has been settled in court. Despite your abstinence from social media, friends and family still have the power to post updates and images related to you. Therefore, it is highly advised that you speak to those within your inner circle about the potential risks associated with your social media presence and ask them to avoid mentioning you online. Furthermore, while having airtight privacy settings is a good security step to take, the settings may not protect you from the defence gaining access to your posts.

Social media can be great fun, however, suffering after a personal injury is far from it.

If you have been injured in an accident, you may be able to receive compensation for the damages you faced. Contact us to book your free consultation.

Skye OliverCan Social Media Impact the Outcome of your Injury Claim?
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11 Ways to Manage Your Chronic Pain

If there is one thing that makes day-to-day activities or tasks more difficult, it is chronic pain. That constant throbbing in your neck, sharp pains in your back or aching in your knees. So many people spend countless hours trying to relieve their pain or symptoms with no satisfaction. Common ailments linked to chronic pain can include injuries received in a motor vehicle accident, slip, trip or fall incidents or more severely as a result of a catastrophic or traumatic accident.

To give you a hand and to help bring you some relief, we are sharing WebMD’s list of 11 tips for living with chronic pain. Some of these you might be more familiar with, and some may be new, but everything is worth a try once.


  1. Relax using Deep Breathing or Meditation Practices

When we are stressed, our muscles can become tense and tight. Practicing deep breathing or forms of meditation can reduce these symptoms and help you relax. Having a gentle massage or taking time to focus on clearing your mind are other ways to combat tension.

  1. De-Stress

Did you know that feelings of depression, anxiety, and anger can increase the intensity of chronic pain? Learning to manage these types of emotions has been said to provide some relief. There are several ways that you can de-stress. For example, listening to calming music can uplift your mood or writing out your emotions in a journal.

  1. Exercise

This is a popular way to deal with injuries. When you exercise your body naturally releases endorphins which help improve your mood. Exercise, in general, is good for your health, it keeps your blood pressure regular, and cholesterol levels normal and decreases risks for heart diseases. It also strengthens your muscles which, when strong, limit the chance of reinjuring yourself and reduces chronic pain symptoms.

  1. Limit Alcohol Intake

When you deal with chronic pain, getting a night of proper restful sleep is next to impossible. Having a drink to take the edge off may seem like a good idea. However, unlike popular belief, alcohol can make sleep problems worse. Limiting how much you drink alcohol can help improve your quality of sleep.

  1. Connect With Others

It is natural to associate with people who have similar traits to you or interests. Going to group meetings with others who have been in serious motor vehicle accidents or are now suffering from the side effects of others’ negligence keeps you from feeling alone. Connecting with people who are also suffering from the same or similar chronic injury or disease can evoke the same feelings of belonging. Others may also offer symptom relief methods or practices that you may not have tried.

  1. Do Not Smoke

Reduced circulation levels are a known side effect of smoking. This can intensify any circulation conditions and further increase the risk of heart disease and cancer.

  1. Track Pain Levels

Keeping your doctor informed about how you are feeling helps them provide the proper care. Between visits, track how you are feeling in a journal. Using a scale of 1 – 10 and listing out activities or things done that day can help pinpoint what triggers higher pain levels. Sharing this with your doctor can help in the management of chronic pain. This can also be useful if you have suffered an injury at work, such as a slip and fall, and need detailed documentation for medical appointments.

  1. Try Biofeedback Therapy

This method of therapy is new to us. Biofeedback claims to allow you to control various body functions. Using sensors, you can “hear” or “see” different body functions. It is displayed on monitors as squiggly lines that you eventually learn to control these functions using your biological system.

  1. Get a Massage

Quite possibly the most widely used form of stress and chronic pain relief. Massages alleviate the tension in your muscles and allow for complete relaxation. Those who suffer from back and or neck pain as a result of a slip and fall or motor vehicle accident find this method of relief a fantastic way to manage their symptoms.

  1. Eat a well-balanced diet

Believe it or not, what you eat plays a part in how you feel. Eating a well-balanced diet keeps your digestive system running well, reduces the risk of heart disease and keeps your weight under control.

  1. Get Distracted!

Get out and get your mind off things. Sitting around and thinking about your bad knee, cursing the sidewalk for causing you to slip and fall does not make things better, in fact, it does the opposite. Doing something you enjoy will take the focus off your pain and instead keep you preoccupied with the activity at hand.


If you experience chronic pain due to a motor vehicle accident, slip, trip or fall or other traumatic accident and are being treated unfairly, you might need legal assistance. Call Dye & Russell for a free claim assessment.

Skye Oliver11 Ways to Manage Your Chronic Pain
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Boating Safety Tips: What You Need To Know

The warmer months are here and that means enjoying the sun and summer activities. Boating is incredibly popular with things to do like tubbing, water skiing, fishing, or swimming out in the lake. These are all fun things to de-stress and enjoy this sunny season, but nevertheless, it is crucial to be aware of boat safety rules and regulations. According to the Canadian Red Cross there are over 125+ preventable boating-related fatalities that happen across Canada each year.

If you are your loved ones are planning on enjoying some time on a boat this summer, then here are some ways to prepare for the ride and minimize the risk of injury:

Make a Checklist

It is easy to get caught up in the excitement of getting out on a boat— having a thorough checklist to go over before taking off is a great way to be prepared for any possible emergencies out on the water.

Check the Weather

Take a look at the local weather forecast. The days leading up to your departure is crucial to ensuring you are aware of any possibly changes that could put you in danger. Avoid strong or rough winds, darkening clouds, temperature fluxes, or changes to the waves. Getting caught in a storm can result in serious injury to you or your passengers. If you find yourself in this position our lawyers at Dye & Russell know what to do to get you the compensation you deserve. Do not delay, contact us today if you have sustained injuries or damages on a boat in Ontario.

Develop a Float Plan

Inform a family member or marina staff of your contact information and emergency plan of action. Letting someone know this information along with trip destinations, the warning or help signals to be used, and your boats registration information can be critical in getting you to safety if an emergency occurs. Even the most experienced boaters can sustain injuries or be involved in accidents out on the water. Dye & Russell has the experience to help in your boating accident personal injury case.

Have your tools ready

There are many items that you need to have onboard to ensure everyone is safe while out on the water. Some items and equipment you will need but are not limited to:

  • Life jackets
  • First aid kit
  • Sunscreen
  • Food and water
  • Proper identification, licenses, boat documentation
  • Cellphone and wireless charging bank
  • Electrical tape
  • Emergency flashlight
  • Distress signals
  • Fire extinguisher
  • Extra fuel
  • Emergency paddles
  • Blankets

Wear A Life Jacket

Did you know the Red Cross reported that less than 50% of Canadians always wear their life jackets when boating? Life jackets are crucial in the prevention of accidental drownings and even help in preventing hypothermia when exposed to cold water conditions for too long.

Besides being a legal requirement, another reason to have life jackets on board is for individuals that may not know how to swim or are generally weak swimmers. In the event of an accident where flooding occurs and your boat begins taking on water, the risk of a slip and fall injury increases. Wearing a life jacket can save a life if someone were to slip and fall into the water or experience a head injury.

Exploring the many great lakes and waters that Canada has to offer is exciting but knowing proper boat safety is key in achieving an accident-free summer. There are many opportunities for injury with all of the different types of activities to enjoy in or on the water, knowing who to contact in the wake of an accident will reduce the stress and anxiety related to your injury.


If you or a loved one has been involved in an accident, contact the professionals at Dye & Russell today for your FREE Claim Assessment and more helpful resources. Reach us toll free at 1-877-883-6171 or visit us online to speak with a live agent. Your road to recovery is important to us.

Skye OliverBoating Safety Tips: What You Need To Know
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How Do I Know If I Need a Personal Injury Lawyer?

After experiencing a traumatic brain injury (TBI) or other serious injury, focusing on your recovery and getting the appropriate medical attention is important. If the injury occurred in a motor vehicle accident, at work or home, contacting an experienced personal injury lawyer can help you understand your legal rights. A lawyer can also help explain your options if your injuries were the result of negligence or malpractice.

There are many reasons why contacting a personal injury lawyer is in your best interest. Here are our top four:


1.    A personal injury lawyer will help answer your questions.

Anyone that has been seriously injured or had a loved one struggle with a major injury undoubtedly has questions. Personal injury lawyers with experience handling serious injury cases can help answer your important questions, such as “What happened?” and  “Do we have a case?”.

A personal injury lawyer will conduct a factual investigation through interviews, review of records, and through the experience of professional investigators/consultants to gain information leading up to and at the time of your injury.

The insurance companies representing any possible defendants will be conducting the same type of investigations. The experts at Dye and Russell have experience working with insurance companies and know how to get you the settlement you deserve.


2.    A personal injury lawyer will help you understand why an injury may have occurred.

Individuals that have experienced a traumatic brain injury (TBI), as well as their families, may not recognize that other individuals or entities may have contributed to their injury.

A lawyer will be able to assist in identifying all the individuals or entities that may have been a contributing factor to your injury. They will also ensure that those responsible are held accountable to the full extent of the law.


3.    A personal injury lawyer will help you understand your rights so you can make informed decisions.

Many serious injuries, such as a severe traumatic brain injury (TBI), are often permanent and require a considerable number of medical treatments and/or ongoing care.

Speaking with a personal injury lawyer as soon as possible, like the ones at Dye and Russell, will help preserve your right to civil action. Our experienced lawyers will work with you to understand your options and help you make an informed decision about moving forward with your case.


4.    A personal injury lawyer will help ensure you are fully compensated.

We understand how injuries impact you and your family in the present and how you will be impacted in the future.

The lawyers at Dye and Russell will work to ensure you and your family receive the maximum settlement that you are entitled to for current and future medical expenses. A personal injury lawyer will also seek compensation for current and future pain and suffering, both physical and mental, as well as any loss of wages.


Consulting an experienced personal injury lawyer in the wake of an accident is in your best interest. A lawyer will answer your questions and help you understand your rights or why an injury may have occurred. They are there to make sure you receive the maximum settlement you deserve so you can make a full recovery.

Contact the team at Dye and Russell today by calling 1-877-883-6171 or fast dial #1000 from your cell phone.

Skye OliverHow Do I Know If I Need a Personal Injury Lawyer?
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What You Should Consider When Disputing an Insurance Claim


Everyone knows that dealing with the big insurance companies can give you a headache and have you running around in circles with no answers. Policies can be so complex that sadly, insurance companies have often used their inside knowledge to take advantage of insureds through policy loopholes. This can leave insureds at a standstill in regards to their insurance claims and even result in a claim being denied.

Insurance is one of those things that you love to hate but have it anyways. It gives you and your family the protection they will need if something should happen to them or yourself. However, even if you are paying your bill on time each month and never miss a payment, insurance companies will look to find the cheapest way to pay out your claim to save money for themselves, if they pay out at all. This can be the last thing you want to deal with when you’re faced with a loss.

Here are four steps to consider when resolving a dispute with an insurance company.

Gather information

  • Insurance policies aren’t always easily understood by the average person. Ask your agent, broker or insurance representative for clarification about your concern/issue. The rights and responsibilities of all parties are written within the policy (aka contract), however miscommunications can occur.
  • If you have general questions you can contact the IBC Consumer Information Centre (CIC). They can assist with basic questions about policy wording, coverage or how to proceed with a complaint

Get in touch with the insurance companies Complaint Liaison Officer or Ombudsperson

  • Licensed insurers have a complaint resolution process, and someone assigned to enforce this process. This role is regulated by the provincial regulator.
  • If you plan on making a complaint through this channel, be sure to state your complaint clearly, including the expected resolution. Be sure to have all your documentation readily available and take note of all persons you spoke with regarding the complaint as well as what was spoken about. Finally, give the Complaint Liaison Officer or Ombudsperson sufficient time to investigate & respond to your complaint.

Reach out to the GIO (General Insurance OmbudsService)

  • If you’ve gone through your insurers complaint processes and aren’t satisfied you can request a Final Position Letter and contact the GIO. The GIO is an impartial consumer dispute resolution system. It is in place to help you and the insurer resolve disputes about claim-related matters.

Take it to the Federal or Provincial level

  • If your dispute cannot be solved by the GIO, or if the insurance company isn’t a member of the GIO, you can take it a step further by contacting a Financial Consumer Agency of Canada.

Dye & Russell should be your first call if you’re having issues claiming insurance compensation. We have the experience and knowledge of the industry that keep us from being pushed around by policymakers. Let us handle the big insurance companies and take the stress away from you to get you what you deserve.

If you’ve experienced a claim denial or want to dispute a claim, and need legal assistance, call #1000 on your cell phone for free. We will offer you a free claim assessment.


Skye OliverWhat You Should Consider When Disputing an Insurance Claim
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Brain Injury Awareness Month: Preventing Injuries

June is an exciting month. Spring is in the air and summer is just around the corner. It’s also Brain Injury Awareness month and with that comes a number of opportunities to shed light on brain injuries and ways to help prevent them.

Did you know that more than 20, 000 people each year are admitted to the hospital with serious brain related injuries? In 2016 – 2017 alone approximately 46, 000 children went to the emergency room and were diagnosed with a concussion.

Making sure situations such as sports or recreational activities are safe for everyone helps reduce the risk of injury. The key being prevention and awareness. You’re the first line of defense!

Here are 4 things you should know about preventing brain injuries.

  1. Seat Belts

When you’re in the car, no matter how far the drive may be, wearing your seat belt is a top priority.  A significant number of injuries and deaths happen as a result of car accidents and about 50% are prevented thanks to seat belts.

  1. Reduce Distractions

Cell phones are the number one cause of distractions among drivers. When you’re behind the wheel staying focused on the road should be the only thing that’s important. Put the phone down, whatever it is can wait. Your life is more important than the text you just got.

  1. Child Safety

Kids are always getting hurt and bumping their heads on whatever is around. Take steps to prevent trips and falls by installing safety gates around stairs, using non slip mats in bathtubs or putting up window guards to prevent a potentially fatal injury.

  1. Helmets & Safety Gear

Both adults and children are susceptible to head injuries whether at work or during recreation. Make sure you wear a helmet during sports activities like baseball or football or the appropriate safety helmet on construction sites. Keeping your brain protected is one of the smartest things you can do!


If you have been injured, and need legal assistance, call #1000 on your cell phone for free. We will offer you a free claim assessment.

Skye OliverBrain Injury Awareness Month: Preventing Injuries
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6 tips for adjusting to life after a brain injury

Most victims of brain injury and members of their family face a gamut of new and unfamiliar challenges on the road to recovery. Knowing how to navigate life and how to deal with the challenges recovery presents can be unbelievingly challenging. To help victims of brain injury Brainline developed a guide for adjusting to life after brain injury.

1. Redefine success

When your life changes after a brain injury it is likely your definition of success will also need to change. Comparing yourself and your progress to how you performed before your injury can be very limiting. Focusing on what you can do and how you can improve can help you change your definition of success. Explore ways you can be successful and set standards for yourself. No matter what state you are in you can improve yourself, enjoy relationships and live a meaningful life.

2. Ask for help

Asking for help can he a surprisingly difficult task. The fear of seeming like a burden or being turned away often stifles us from trying to get the help we need. But everybody needs help at some point or another. Don’t let a situation become a crisis before asking for help, and make sure to return a favour and thank those who have helped you.

3. Be kind to yourself

Immediately after a brain injury you begin your road to recovery. Taking time to heal and respecting the fact that your body needs time to mend itself mentally, physically and emotionally is very important. Being hard on yourself right now will only make things more difficult on you and those around you. Instead try to be kind and compassionate to yourself taking into consideration where you are in your recovery journey.

4. Set manageable goals

It’s easy to become overwhelmed by the hurdles ahead of you in your recovery. To manage this, break down the large goals in your recovery into small reasonable steps—ones you can do day-to-day to accomplish those bigger goals. Focusing on what you can do today and tomorrow can make the prospects of achieving big goals much less daunting. Even beyond recovery, breaking down your life goals in the same way can make them more manageable to achieve.

5. Create a support system

Social interaction is extremely important for recovery. After a brain injury receiving support and understanding is extremely comforting and helps stave off feelings of loneliness. Reconnecting with friends who have become distant after your brain injury, helping those in your circle of friends and family, as always showing care is important to maintain those relationships. If you don’t feel like those around you are able to understand what you are going through perhaps consider joining a support group to meet people who have similar experiences.

6. Practice patience

Patience is an essential skill to have while recovering from a brain injury. You will likely need to be persistent over time to reach recovery, but it can be difficult to keep your cool when faced with a difficult journey to get there. When you feel yourself losing your cool or becoming frustrated find a way to take a step back and relax yourself, whether that’s taking a deep breath or repeating an affirmation. Find what works for you.

Navigating the road to recovery after a brain injury can be difficult. We help brain injury victims during recovery as a part of the Circle of Care.

If you have been injured, and need legal assistance, call #1000 on your cell phone for free. We will offer you a free claim assessment.

gray_admin6 tips for adjusting to life after a brain injury
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June is Brain Injury Awareness Month – Everything you Need to Know

The arrival of the summer season isn’t the only notable thing that’s happening this June. In fact, the sixth month of the year is brain injury awareness month. This type of injury occurs in higher incidences than breast cancer, multiple sclerosis, spinal cord injuries, and HIV/AIDs put together. However, while brain injuries are strikingly common, they go largely unnoticed by the general public.

Within the brain disorder community, a heavy emphasis has been placed upon the importance that public knowledge has on reducing the incidences of these traumatic injuries. Therefore, organizations from the grassroots to provincial level have dedicated their time to work towards increasing awareness.

So what is a Brain Injury?

Aptly put, an acquired brain injury is an injury to the brain that is not caused by genetics. Since these injuries can be caused by lack of oxygen, traumatic blows to the head, and severe neck rotation or whiplash, even concussions are classified as brain injuries.

While concussions are a mild form of traumatic brain injury, the symptoms can have serious effects on the sufferer’s health. According to Brain Injury Canada, these include:

  • Amnesia
  • Confusion
  • Headache
  • Nausea
  • Sensitivity to light or noise
  • Dizziness
  • Impaired vision
  • Concentration and memory problems
  • Slowed reaction time
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Feeling foggy or lethargic
  • Feeling increasingly irritable

Just how Prevalent are they?

Approximately 1.5 million Canadians live with this type of injury, with 160,000 new sufferers each year, yet the public knowledge of brain injury related deaths and disabilities is low. In reality, there are 451 people who suffer from new brain injuries each day. Falls and motor vehicle accidents cause around 50% of these injuries, and it’s been reported that 30% are sustained by children. Brain injuries are additionally the top killer and disabler of individuals younger than 44-years-old. Furthermore, sufferers are two times more likely to be men, while the recovery process takes longer for women.

Seeking Treatment

 Brain injury Canada advises that if you suspect you may be suffering from a brain injury, it’s imperative that you receive treatment as soon as possible. After a sudden sharp blow to the head, the brain requires time to recover, which can typically involve prescribed bed rest and limited stimuli.

However, brain injury Canada insists that identifying a concussion can involve a handful of steps. It’s typical for doctors to conduct a neurological exam that involves testing of the memory, concentration, balance, coordination, and vision. If additional tests are necessary, they may involve a CT scan or MRI to rule out any additional brain injuries.

In some cases, neuropsychological testing is necessary to pinpoint any subtle changes to memory function. Furthermore, additional balance testing can be helpful for sufferers.

How to Lower your Risk

Participating in high-intensity sports and recreational activities can increase your risk of brain injury. Therefore, it’s imperative that protective body and headgear are worn, so that your equipment, as opposed to body, absorbs the impact of any potential blow. Furthermore, it’s essential when playing sports, that you take all the necessary cautions to avoid any contact between your head and other objects and players.

In addition to sports-related injuries, many brain injuries are caused by motorized vehicle accidents. Due to this, ensure that you always wear a seat belt and that any children are safely secured in a booster seat in the back of your car.

Furthermore, slip and fall accidents pose a serious risk of injury. To prevent falls, you can install handrails on staircases and bathroom walls, discard any area rugs, adequately light your home, de-clutter your floors, place a non-slip mat in your shower, and go for regular eye exams.

If you have children, there are many ways you can lower their risk of injury as well. By installing safety gates by stairways, visiting playgrounds that have shock absorbing materials on the ground, and using window guards to prevent falls, you can dramatically reduce your child’s chances of suffering an injury.

This June, the work that is being done to raise brain injury awareness is crucial for the public understanding of this otherwise silent epidemic. Brain injury does not discriminate, and can occur to individuals across all cultural and economic backgrounds. Similar to many disabilities, brain injuries do not only affect sufferers, but can dramatically affect the lives of their loved ones.

If you have been injured, and need legal assistance, call #1000 on your cell phone for free. We will offer you a free claim assessment.

gray_adminJune is Brain Injury Awareness Month – Everything you Need to Know
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