Common Questions Personal Injury Lawyers Get

The field of personal injury law can be unclear and often leave people feeling confused and overwhelmed. There is emotional and financial stress that coincides with an injury and navigating the recovery process, both legally and health wise, can be daunting.

At Dye & Russell it’s our mission to help guide you and your family through the entire process, protecting your rights and fighting to make sure you receive what you’re entitled to. Big insurance companies don’t have your best interests at the forefront and aren’t going to fight to get what you deserve; they want to pay out as little as possible.

As personal injury lawyers, it’s important that our clients feel empowered and knowledgeable about their case; after all it’s their lives that are impacted. To alleviate some of the unknown, here are some of the common questions asked of our lawyers at Dye & Russell.

  1. Why do I need a personal injury lawyer?

Simply put, personal injury law is one of, if not the most, complex areas of law. It requires going after compensation from large insurance companies, all while navigating the elusive, ever changing laws and regulations. Having been in the industry for over 20 years, our personal injury lawyers have the experience and expertise to protect your rights and get you on the right path to a complete recovery.


  1. How soon after and accident or injury can I contact a personal injury lawyer?

If you or someone you know has been involved in an accident, it’s important that you contact a personal injury lawyer as soon as possible. There are certain cases that require you to put the defendant on notice within a matter of days if you will be suing. If this doesn’t occur, the defendant can argue the claim is out of time & that you weren’t really injured, potentially barring your claim. Dye & Russell aims to protect your rights and provide you access to the treatment needed in the beginning stages of your injury. Acting quickly to collect and preserve necessary evidence to present your case makes a difference in receiving what’s fair.


  1. How do I pay for the legal services?

One of the common reason’s individuals don’t seek out a personal injury lawyer is the fear of what it will cost. Often their injury has prevented them from working so the thought of another expense is off-putting. At Dye & Russell we offer a free claim evaluation of your case, no obligation. When you do decide to have us represent you, you don’t pay until we’ve settled or won your case. We ensure you receive the proper funding for necessary treatment and do whatever it takes to properly assess and present your claim. Little things like this can help relieve some of the stress and financial burden that is tied to a personal injury case.


  1. How long does it take to settle my claim?

The amount of time it takes to settle a personal injury claim can change based on the complexity of the case. It isn’t uncommon for cases to range from 2-3 years before being resolved; although some are resolved much quicker. When you contact Dye & Russell we’ll happily explain the claim and litigation process, in addition to providing you with an estimate on how long it will take to resolve the claim.


If you feel you have been wrongfully injured in an accident due to the negligence of another or have had your claim denied, contact Dye & Russell.

Skye OliverCommon Questions Personal Injury Lawyers Get
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11 Ways to Manage Your Chronic Pain

If there’s one thing that makes day to day activities or tasks more difficult, it’s chronic pain. That constant throbbing in your neck, sharp pains in your back or aching in your knees. So many people spend countless hours trying to relieve their pain or symptoms with no satisfaction. Common ailments linked to chronic pain can include injuries received in a motor vehicle accident, slip, trip or fall or more severely as a result of a catastrophic or traumatic accident.

To give you a hand this holiday season and to help bring some relief to your suffering, we’re sharing WebMD’s list of 11 tips for living with chronic pain. Some of these you might be more familiar with, some may be new, but everything is worth a try once!


  1. Relax using deep breathing or meditation practices

When we’re stressed, our muscles can become tense and tight. Practicing deep breathing or forms of meditation can reduce these symptoms and help you relax. Having a gentle massage or taking time to focus on clearing your mind are other ways to combat tension.

  1. De-stress

Did you know that feelings of depression, anxiety, and anger can increase the intensity of chronic pain? Learning to manage these types of emotions has been said to provide some relief. There are several ways that you can de-stress. For example, listening to calming music can uplift your mood or writing out your emotions in a journal.

  1. Exercise

This is a popular way to deal with injuries. When you exercise your body naturally release endorphins which help improve your mood. Exercise in general is good for your health, it keeps your blood pressure regular, cholesterol levels normal and decreases risks for heart diseases. It also strengthens your muscles which, when strong, limit the chance of reinjuring yourself and reduces chronic pain symptoms.

  1. Limit alcohol intake

When you deal with chronic pain, getting a proper restful night’s sleep is next to impossible. Having a drink to take the edge off may seem like a good idea. However, unlike popular belief, alcohol can make sleep problems worse. Limiting how much you drink alcohol can help improve your quality of sleep.

  1. Connect with others

It’s natural to associate with people who have similar traits to you or like interests. Going to group meetings with others who’ve been in serious motor vehicle accidents or are now suffering from side effects of others negligence keep you from feeling alone. Connecting with people who are also suffering from the same or similar chronic injury or disease can evoke the same feelings of belonging. Others may also offer symptom relief methods or practices that you may not have tried.

  1. Don’t smoke

Reduced circulation levels are a known side effect of smoking. This can intensify any circulation conditions and further increase the risk of heart disease and cancer.

  1. Track pain levels

Keeping your doctor informed about how you are feeling helps them provide the proper care. Between visits, track how you are feeling in a journal. Using a scale of 1 – 10 and listing out activities or things done that day can help pinpoint what triggers higher pain levels. Sharing this with your doctor can help in the management of chronic pain. This can also be useful if you’ve suffered an injury at work, such as a slip and fall, and need detailed documentation for medical appointments.

  1. Give Biofeedback therapy a try

This method of therapy is new to us. Biofeedback claims to allow you to control various body functions. Using sensors, you can “hear” or “see” different body functions. It’s displayed on monitors as squiggly lines that you eventually learn to control these functions using your biological system.

  1. Get a massage

Quite possibly the most widely used form of stress and chronic pain relief. Massages alleviate the tension in your muscles and allow for complete relaxation. Those who suffer from back and or neck pain as a result of a slip and fall or motor vehicle accident find this method of relief a fantastic way to manage their symptoms.

  1. Eat a well-balanced diet

Believe it or not, what you eat plays a part in how you feel. Eating a well-balanced diet keeps your digestive system running well, reduces risk of heart disease and keeps your weight under control.

  1. Get distracted!

Get out and get your mind off things. Sitting around and thinking about your bad knee, cursing the sidewalk for causing you to slip and fall doesn’t make things better, in fact it does the opposite. Doing something you enjoy will take the focus off your pain and instead keep you preoccupied with the activity at hand.


If you experience chronic pain due to a motor vehicle accident, slip, trip or fall or other traumatic accident and are being treated unfairly, you might need legal assistance. Call #1000 on your cell phone for free. We will offer you a free claim assessment.

Skye Oliver11 Ways to Manage Your Chronic Pain
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A Parent’s Guide to Water Safety

It’s finally here. The time of the year so many people wait for. Summer. Going on boat rides, getting ice cream and of course backyard BBQs are just a few past times many families enjoy during the summer months. Summer also means more people spending their days lounging by the pool, at the beach and by the lake.

Remembering to stay safe around water, especially with children, should always be a priority. Drowning is one of the most common causes of unintentional deaths in Canadian children according to The Canadian Red Cross.

So, before you take your kids to the pool, beach or around open water, make sure you read our guide on staying safe & preventing water related injuries and accidents.

  • Designate a supervisor

Many drownings and water related accidents happen due to a lack of supervision. Having someone keeping an eye on children near any source of water (that means bathtubs too!) allows for quick action should something take a turn for the worst. Keeping all young children and weak or non-swimmers in lifejackets while near water gives the supervisor additional reassurance of their safety.

  • Diving

Diving headfirst into a pool may seem like harmless fun but it can lead to serious injury if you’re not careful. Never dive into a pool, or allow divining to occur, without first knowing exactly how deep the water is. Check your surroundings for signs indicating the depth or ask the pools owner/lifeguard. Be sure to have the conversation with your children about diving in the shallow end, making sure they understand all the pool rules.

  • Open Water

Floating down a river on a hot summer day can be a fan favourite when it comes to summer activities. However, one thing most people don’t consider is how strong the current can be. Simply standing or wading in the water can cause weak or non-swimmers to be swept away quite quickly. Make sure you know what to do if you or a child were to get caught in the current.

 If you have been injured, and need legal assistance, call #1000 on your cell phone for free. We will offer you a free claim assessment.

Skye OliverA Parent’s Guide to Water Safety
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Brain Injury Awareness Month: Preventing Injuries

June is an exciting month. Spring is in the air and summer is just around the corner. It’s also Brain Injury Awareness month and with that comes a number of opportunities to shed light on brain injuries and ways to help prevent them.

Did you know that more than 20, 000 people each year are admitted to the hospital with serious brain related injuries? In 2016 – 2017 alone approximately 46, 000 children went to the emergency room and were diagnosed with a concussion.

Making sure situations such as sports or recreational activities are safe for everyone helps reduce the risk of injury. The key being prevention and awareness. You’re the first line of defense!

Here are 4 things you should know about preventing brain injuries.

  1. Seat Belts

When you’re in the car, no matter how far the drive may be, wearing your seat belt is a top priority.  A significant number of injuries and deaths happen as a result of car accidents and about 50% are prevented thanks to seat belts.

  1. Reduce Distractions

Cell phones are the number one cause of distractions among drivers. When you’re behind the wheel staying focused on the road should be the only thing that’s important. Put the phone down, whatever it is can wait. Your life is more important than the text you just got.

  1. Child Safety

Kids are always getting hurt and bumping their heads on whatever is around. Take steps to prevent trips and falls by installing safety gates around stairs, using non slip mats in bathtubs or putting up window guards to prevent a potentially fatal injury.

  1. Helmets & Safety Gear

Both adults and children are susceptible to head injuries whether at work or during recreation. Make sure you wear a helmet during sports activities like baseball or football or the appropriate safety helmet on construction sites. Keeping your brain protected is one of the smartest things you can do!


If you have been injured, and need legal assistance, call #1000 on your cell phone for free. We will offer you a free claim assessment.

Skye OliverBrain Injury Awareness Month: Preventing Injuries
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