How to Help your Children Avoid Swimming Related Accidents at the Pool

Whether you have one in your backyard or not, every summer, kids are going to find their way to the nearest pool. In a child’s mind, what’s not fun about going for a swim on a hot day? It provides them with the opportunity to splash, do fun tricks off the diving board, and use their new pair of water wings.

In the mind of a parent, however, pools can pose a serious risk to the safety of their child. Each year, nearly 1,000 children die from drowning. But this cause of fatality is far from the only risk plaguing pool-going kids. Slip and fall accidents caused by wet surfaces can lead to potential head injuries for young children.

Here are ways that you can reduce the risk of accident in your backyard pool:

Install a Fence

As a parent, the risk associated with taking your eyes off your kids is only exacerbated if there is a pool in the vicinity. If you have small children, it’s advised you consider surrounding your pool with a fence, to minimize the potential risk of them falling in. When choosing which type of fence you want to install, be sure to avoid the chain link variety, as children can easily maneuver their way over it by climbing. Additionally, pick a tall enough fence, so that your kids do not have the ability to unlatch the gate.

Watch out for Drains

Pool drains pose a risk to children due to their powerful suction. Warn your children to stay away from drains, and keep your eyes on them while they swim, as their small body parts and hair can easily get sucked into the drains and cause painful injury. In addition to these preventative measures, you can opt to purchase drain covers to limit the risk.

Safety Equipment

Don’t store your floatation ring and safety rope in the shed adjacent to the pool. In the event of an emergency, safety devices need to be conveniently placed in order for you to act quickly to prevent a potentially fatal accident. Furthermore, when you are lounging by the pool watching your children swim, ensure that your cellphone is nearby, in the event that you need to call emergency services.

Clean up Toys

If your children enjoy floating on inflatable objects or pool noodles, it is imperative that you do not leave them in the pool after swim time is over. Doing so can tempt a small child to reach for one of their toys when they aren’t swimming, which can potentially lead to them falling in unsupervised.

Constant Supervision

Just because your child is a strong swimmer doesn’t mean they can’t fall victim to slip and fall accidents, or even drowning. In addition to outlining pool rules that prohibit children from running near, or roughhousing in the water, you must remain vigilant and supervise them while they’re swimming.

Invest in a Safety Cover

Finally, purchasing a high quality, motorized pool cover to prohibit access to your pool overnight can also minimize the risk of your child falling in.

Summer days spent at the pool can provide hours of aquatic entertainment. Don’t take any chances with your child’s safety. By taking these poolside precautions and remaining attentive around young swimmers, you’ll dramatically reduce the risk of an accident occurring.

Fast dial #1000 free from your cell and we’ll get you the support you need.

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June is Brain Injury Awareness Month – Everything you Need to Know

The arrival of the summer season isn’t the only notable thing that’s happening this June. In fact, the sixth month of the year is brain injury awareness month. This type of injury occurs in higher incidences than breast cancer, multiple sclerosis, spinal cord injuries, and HIV/AIDs put together. However, while brain injuries are strikingly common, they go largely unnoticed by the general public.

Within the brain disorder community, a heavy emphasis has been placed upon the importance that public knowledge has on reducing the incidences of these traumatic injuries. Therefore, organizations from the grassroots to provincial level have dedicated their time to work towards increasing awareness.

So what is a Brain Injury?

Aptly put, an acquired brain injury is an injury to the brain that is not caused by genetics. Since these injuries can be caused by lack of oxygen, traumatic blows to the head, and severe neck rotation or whiplash, even concussions are classified as brain injuries.

While concussions are a mild form of traumatic brain injury, the symptoms can have serious effects on the sufferer’s health. According to Brain Injury Canada, these include:

  • Amnesia
  • Confusion
  • Headache
  • Nausea
  • Sensitivity to light or noise
  • Dizziness
  • Impaired vision
  • Concentration and memory problems
  • Slowed reaction time
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Feeling foggy or lethargic
  • Feeling increasingly irritable

Just how Prevalent are they?

Approximately 1.5 million Canadians live with this type of injury, with 160,000 new sufferers each year, yet the public knowledge of brain injury related deaths and disabilities is low. In reality, there are 451 people who suffer from new brain injuries each day. Falls and motor vehicle accidents cause around 50% of these injuries, and it’s been reported that 30% are sustained by children. Brain injuries are additionally the top killer and disabler of individuals younger than 44-years-old. Furthermore, sufferers are two times more likely to be men, while the recovery process takes longer for women.

Seeking Treatment

 Brain injury Canada advises that if you suspect you may be suffering from a brain injury, it’s imperative that you receive treatment as soon as possible. After a sudden sharp blow to the head, the brain requires time to recover, which can typically involve prescribed bed rest and limited stimuli.

However, brain injury Canada insists that identifying a concussion can involve a handful of steps. It’s typical for doctors to conduct a neurological exam that involves testing of the memory, concentration, balance, coordination, and vision. If additional tests are necessary, they may involve a CT scan or MRI to rule out any additional brain injuries.

In some cases, neuropsychological testing is necessary to pinpoint any subtle changes to memory function. Furthermore, additional balance testing can be helpful for sufferers.

How to Lower your Risk

Participating in high-intensity sports and recreational activities can increase your risk of brain injury. Therefore, it’s imperative that protective body and headgear are worn, so that your equipment, as opposed to body, absorbs the impact of any potential blow. Furthermore, it’s essential when playing sports, that you take all the necessary cautions to avoid any contact between your head and other objects and players.

In addition to sports-related injuries, many brain injuries are caused by motorized vehicle accidents. Due to this, ensure that you always wear a seat belt and that any children are safely secured in a booster seat in the back of your car.

Furthermore, slip and fall accidents pose a serious risk of injury. To prevent falls, you can install handrails on staircases and bathroom walls, discard any area rugs, adequately light your home, de-clutter your floors, place a non-slip mat in your shower, and go for regular eye exams.

If you have children, there are many ways you can lower their risk of injury as well. By installing safety gates by stairways, visiting playgrounds that have shock absorbing materials on the ground, and using window guards to prevent falls, you can dramatically reduce your child’s chances of suffering an injury.

This June, the work that is being done to raise brain injury awareness is crucial for the public understanding of this otherwise silent epidemic. Brain injury does not discriminate, and can occur to individuals across all cultural and economic backgrounds. Similar to many disabilities, brain injuries do not only affect sufferers, but can dramatically affect the lives of their loved ones.

If you have been injured, and need legal assistance, call #1000 on your cell phone for free. We will offer you a free claim assessment.

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5 Road Trip Safety Tips for the Open Road this Summer

During the summer months, many families choose to pack up their vehicles and hit the pavement for adventure filled road trips. Although car trips can induce a sense of freedom and possibility, they can also pose a serious risk when drivers fail to navigate the roads safely.

So before you embark upon your summer road trip, ensure that you’re aware of these safety precautions that must be taken to ensure a safe arrival at your destination:

Plan Ahead

First and foremost, it’s crucial to map out your route before you sit down in your vehicle. In doing so, you will learn ahead of time if you will be encountering any obstacles such as construction zones. In addition, planning ahead gives drivers the confidence of knowing how long the drive will take, so they can plan accordingly and avoid rushing through traffic to make it to their destination on time.

Double Check Items in Tow 

It’s imperative that if you are towing a trailer, a boat, or any other item behind your vehicle, you ensure that it is secured properly. If it’s a trailer, double check that the lights on it are working, so that the traffic following behind you can see if you are about to pull over or turn. Furthermore, confirm that the trailer tires are in good shape, to avoid any potentially dangerous accidents on the highway.

Avoid Distracted Driving

The digital age has created the pressing issue of smartphone addiction. If you’re operating a vehicle, you should comply to a strict “no cell phone” rule, to avoid any temptation to check your phone. Distracted driving is a highly dangerous plague to the safety of drivers everywhere.

Luckily, Ontario law now deems it illegal for drivers to use their phones for communication purposes while on the road. Still, not everyone adheres to these laws, and those who use their cell phone behind the wheel are four times more likely to crash than those who focus on driving. Not only do you amplify the risk of causing your passengers harm by checking your phone, you further put the safety of surrounding vehicles in jeopardy.

However, if you’re on the road and desperately need to make a call, you are permitted to do so using Bluetooth technology and the hands-free function on your phone.

Practice Defensive Driving

Defensive driving entails driving with the sole intent of avoiding collision. This may mean remaining even-tempered when faced with aggressive drivers, maintaining a comfortable speed, and also a safe distance between yourself and other vehicles. By having patience and practicing defensive driving, you limit the risk of injuring yourself, your passengers, and the people in surrounding vehicles.

Stay Focused 

If your trips point a is a considerable distance from its point b, you’re going to need to ensure that you get the rest you require in order to avoid a fatigue related collision. You should not allow the excitement and anticipation of reaching your destination impair your judgment of when it’s time to take a break from driving. Furthermore, be sure to take frequent stops at gas stations, even if you don’t need to purchase anything, so that you can stretch and increase your alertness and blood circulation.

By taking these safety precautions on your road trip, you’ll dramatically lower your risk of getting into an accident on your journey.

Fast dial #1000 free from your cell and we’ll get you the support you need.

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How to Practice Boat Safety this Summer

Once the summer months arrive, people are quick to pack up their belongings, hop into their vehicles, and head towards the water. Cottage culture is one of the cornerstones of the classic Canadian summer. However, there are risks involved with many cottage related activities that those participating must be aware of.

According to the Red Cross, every year 525 Canadians die in unintentional water-related fatalities. In addition to this startling truth, 166 of those deaths are caused by boating-related incidents.

If you plan on going out on the water in a boat this summer, there are many ways that you can decrease your risk of injury or drowning:

Wear a Lifejacket

They aren’t called life jackets for nothing. In fact, wearing a lifejacket could potentially prevent up to 90 percent of boating related drowning incidents. However, less than 50 percent of Canadians who go boating always wear their lifejackets, despite 82 percent believing it’s a legal requirement.

Despite their cumbersome design, lifejackets are a vital safety device that you must wear on board. When water is present, slip and fall accidents are all too common, so boats are a high-risk area for this. Although they primarily work to keep boaters afloat, they can additionally delay the onset of hypothermia in cold waters. Plus, newly designed models reject the traditional bulky stereotype and fit the body’s form much better.

Be Prepared

Before heading out to sea, inspect your boat to ensure it’s ready to make the trip. Operating an unsafe boat that is not seaworthy is against the law, so be sure to keep up with any boat maintenance that needs to be addressed.

Additionally, if you are taking any inexperienced boaters out for a ride, explain the precautions they must take while on board to avoid injury, and instruct them on how to use the safety equipment. Furthermore, make sure that at least one passenger is aware of how to operate your boat, should anything happen to you.

Check the Weather 

Weather dictates so much of what people are able to do in a day. When it comes to boating, however, the weathers control over personal safety is even higher. If you’re planning on taking a boat out, check the latest forecast. During Ontario summers, thunderstorms can appear seemingly out of nowhere, so keep your eyes peeled and monitor the sky for any changing weather conditions.

Play Safely

The adrenaline that kicks in when you participate in recreational water activities can be exhilarating. There are dangers, however, if you don’t play safely. If you plan to go waterskiing, tubing, or kneeboarding, it’s crucial that you take safety precautions to limit the risk of injury. These measures should entail having a spotter on board who can oversee that those in tow are safe, leaving a seat empty in case the person in tow needs to come onboard, and not towing during hours of limited visibility.

The summer months bring endless opportunities to take advantage of Ontario’s many lakes. Boating and watersports are both invigorating activities that when done safely, can provide hours of fun.

If you have been injured, and need legal assistance, call #1000 on your cell phone for free. We will offer you a free claim assessment.

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Safety Tips for Bikers this Spring

Cycling is a great way to get around—it get’s you from point A to point B all while keeping you fit and helping the environment. Some studies have even shown that it is the safest mode of transportation, particularly for young adults. Even so, around 7,500 cyclists suffer severe injuries every year in Canada, while 70, 000 are treated in emergency rooms for injuries related to cycling, according to the CBC.

Over half of the Toronto population cycles, that’s 54 per cent of Torontonians. Luckily, the Toronto Cycling Network Plan is working on making Toronto a more bike friendly city. Hopefully Canadian cities will one day be as welcoming to cyclists as European cities, where cyclist injury and death rates are substantially lower. As this eco-friendly method of transportation becomes more popular, cyclists and drivers will become more aware of their places on the roads and fewer accidents will occur.

Until then, there are many things cyclists can be aware of to ensure their safety on the roads. Here are some bike safety tips and tricks based on facts from the CBC and Ontario’s Ministry of Transportation:

Where you can and cannot ride

  • Cyclists must stay as close to the right side of the road as possible, especially if you’re slower than other traffic.
  • Cyclists cannot ride on controlled access highways, such as Ontario’s 400-series highways
  • Cyclists are only allowed to walk their bikes through pedestrian crossovers.

Where and when it’s best to ride

If cyclists aren’t planning to ride to and from work, they should avoid riding during the afternoon rush hour—17 per cent of cyclist deaths and 23 per cent of cyclist injuries occur during this time.

The worst time for a cyclist to ride is at night—30 per cent of cyclist deaths occur at this time. Avoiding busy cities and intersections is ideal for a cyclist’s safety—despite traffic control signs, cyclists are more likely to be injured in an area with these features. Cyclists should also avoid rural areas where the speed limits are 80km/h or more—44 per cent of cyclist deaths happen on these roads.

Wearing a helmet

It is illegal for any cyclist under the age of 18 to ride without a helmet.

For any cyclist under the age of 16, a parent or guardian must ensure that they are not riding without a helmet. Adults are not required to wear a helmet, although it is strongly recommended, as it lowers a cyclist’s chance of injury by 90 per cent. 

Additional cycling laws

The following are changes made regarding cycling law after the passing of Bill 31- Transportation Statute Law Amendment Act , effective September 1, 2015:

  • All drivers of motor vehicles are required to maintain a minimum distance of one metre, where practical, when passing cyclists on highways;
  • Persons who improperly open or leave opened the doors of motor vehicles on highways face increased penalties (commonly known as “dooring”).
  • The fine for non-compliance with bicycle light, reflector and reflective requirements will increase; and
  • Cyclists are permitted to use lamps that produce intermittent flashes of red light. 

For more information on Ontario bike laws, visit the Ontario Ministry of Transportation website.

Fast dial #1000 free from your cell and we’ll get you the support you need.

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What Happens When Your Car Gets Hit by Lightning?

There has been a long-standing fallacy that vehicles can provide full protection when lightning strikes. That’s not entirely the case. The National Lightning Safety Institute reports that some vehicles struck by lightning experience external damage, including pitting and arcing, as well as internal damage to electronic systems and components.

In layman’s terms, what happens to most cars is that the lighting will flow around the outside of a car, with the majority of the current flowing from the car’s metal cage into the ground below.

What to do when driving in a lighting storm?

The National Lightning Safety Institute strongly suggests safely pulling off to the side of the road, waiting out the storm, turning off the engine, putting one’s hands in one’s lap and not touching inside items such as door and window handles, steering wheels and gear shifts.

What is safe – and what isn’t

  • Heavy equipment such as bulldozers and backhoes with rollover canopies are safe during thunderstorms,
  • Riding mowers and golf carts are not safe to be in.

Roll up the windows and don’t touch any part of the metal frame – this means resting your arm on the window or any wired device that might be in the vehicle. For example, the steering wheel or a cell phone that is plugged into the car.

Should a direct strike hit your car, the electric current will flow through the entire frame of the vehicle and typically jump over or through the tires to reach the ground. Most recorded lightning strikes to vehicles typically result in one or more flat tires occurring and damage to the entire electrical system – but no injury to the occupants as long as they stayed away from any metal framework.

Safety Reminder:

  • You also should not to touch the radio,
  • Do not talk on the cell phone,
  • If you are driving, pull to the side of the road, turn on your hazard lights, turn off the engine and wait out the storm.

At Dye & Russell we understand the laws that affect your rights to compensation. Our legal experience within the insurance industry provides the insights required to expedite and secure top results as quickly as possible.

If you have been injured, and need legal assistance, call #1000 on your cell phone for free. We will offer you a free claim assessment.

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Safety Tips to be a Focused and Diligent Driver

According to the Canadian Automobile Association (CAA), distracted driving is a factor in over 4 million motor vehicle collisions every year in North America. Distracted driving is considered to be at equal level with impaired driving because a driver’s judgment is jeopardized when they take their focus away from the road. 80 per cent of collisions and 65 per cent of near crashes have some form of driver inattention as contributing factors. A study has shown that in 80 per cent of collisions, the driver had looked away from the road 3 seconds prior to the crash.

In Ontario, it is illegal to:

  • Operate hand-held communication and electronic entertainment devices while driving. This includes typing, talking, texting, scrolling or dialing on a phone, and manually programming a GPS device.
  • View display screens unrelated to driving.

If convicted of distracted driving in Ontario, the driver will face a minimum fine of $490, up to $1000. Additionally, three demerit points will be applied to the driver’s record. The consequences can be much worse if the driver is found to endanger others with their distracted driving—this may include a six month jail term, or up to five years with a dangerous driving charge.

Despite being Ontario’s biggest road killer, distracted driving is easy to avoid. Here are a few things drivers can do to stay focused on the roads:

Keep cellular devices in the backseat

The most common form of distracted driving is using a cellphone while driving—this includes talking, texting, emailing, adjusting playlists, scrolling, etc. Reduce the temptation to pick it up by putting it somewhere out of arm’s reach. Even if the driver knows it’s wrong to be on their phone while driving, it’s easy to pick up when traffic is heavy and the driver is bored. In any situation, it is dangerous and illegal to be on the phone when driving.

“Drivers talking on cellphones are in many cases just as impaired as drunk drivers” – Insurance Bureau of Canada

Go hands-free

Any device that doesn’t need to be touched to operate other than to turn it on and off is considered “hands-free.” If the driver turns their GPS on before they begin driving it is okay, but it is technically illegal to manually program the GPS while driving.

Another great option is getting a Bluetooth device that securely attaches to the ear or the car. If for whatever reason, a driver feels that they need to answer calls while driving, this is a safe and legal option—given that the device is only being touched when activating and deactivating it.

Map out the route beforehand

Before getting in the car, the driver should have a good idea of where they are going. A driver’s eyes should always be on the road—not looking for street signs. Furthermore, planning the route ahead of time ensures that the driver isn’t constantly looking down at a map or the GPS on their phone.  If the driver has a GPS secured to the dashboard, it should be turned on before driving begins, with the instructions read aloud so the driver won’t have to continuously look at the screen.

Don’t let passengers be a distraction

There’s a reason graduated licensing in many provinces puts restrictions on the number of passengers a young driver is allowed to carry at one time—passengers can be a major distraction. Talking to or listening to a passenger while driving is similar to talking on a cellphone. It is important for a driver to warn passengers to be quiet when entering a risky situation on the road.

“Children are four times more distracting than adults as passengers, and infants are eight times more distracting than adults as passengers.”

Children are particularly distracting to drivers. One way to keep children quiet during a car ride is to supply a book, movie or some other entertainment for them.

Be mindful of music choices

If a driver wants to listen to music from their phone instead of the radio, they should create a playlist beforehand so that they aren’t on their phones scanning through songs while driving.

Drivers should also pay attention to the type of music they are listening. A 2013 study by a music psychologist in Israel has shown that music that creates a psychological response in the brain leads to daydreaming. A study of crash reports conducted by Erie Insurance found that daydreaming caused 62 per cent of distracted driving-related deaths. Hence, drivers should be mindful of their music selection, making sure that music inducing a strong positive or negative psychological response for them is left for another occasion.

So drivers, keep your eyes on the road. Distracted driving is Ontario’s biggest road killer, and that text message isn’t worth it. That’s why we’re a proud sponsor of; take the pledge today to put a stop to distracted driving.

Fast dial #1000 free from your cell and we’ll get you the support you need.


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Do You Know How to Safely Navigate Thick Fog While Driving?

Fog forms when cool air passes over a warm body of water or moist land – so usually when there is a big difference in temperature between the ground and the air. When the humidity is high enough and there is enough water vapor or moisture fog is sure to form.

While it is quite the eerie sight to see – it can be completely unnerving for those who have to drive somewhere and navigate through the dense fog that hangs over the roads making visibility difficult. It takes a great deal of finesse and caution when heading out on the roads, and the ability to exercise a lot of patience in order to safely arrive at your destination.

With Canadian weather providing everything across the spectrum for drivers – here are some tips to help navigate thick fog while driving.

Don’t drive unless you absolutely have to

Unless the trip is absolutely imperative – put your travel plans on pause until the weather clears up. It might mess up your schedule a bit, but it’s not worth taking the risk.

Make sure your headlights are working properly

When conditions do start to get foggier, you need to turn your headlights on. Don’t just assume they already are – many cars’ dials light up even when the headlights are turned off these days, which can be misleading. If the fog is growing increasingly thick, turn your fog lights on – but only if the density of the fog keeps increasing.

Your complete checklist for fog driving

  1. If the fog is too dense to continue driving, you need to pull completely off the road and try to position your vehicle in a safe parking area. Turn on your emergency flashers, in addition to keeping your low-beam headlights on.
  2. Be patient while driving. There can’t be a rush when driving in fog. Never pass someone because you won’t have the ability to see oncoming traffic.
  3. Slow down gradually at every turn and make sure your speed is kept at a suitable condition if you need to break quickly.
  4. Do not follow too closely to the car in front of you – their reaction time might be slowed causing you to have to break quickly.
  5. Don’t speed up suddenly, even if the fog seems to be clearing. You could find yourself suddenly back in fog immediately.
  6. Leverage the use of pavement markings to help guide you. Use the right edge of the road as a guide, rather than the centre line with oncoming traffic ahead. 

Remember, if the trip isn’t worth it, then you need to rearrange your day accordingly. Fog drastically impacts your driving and visibility, especially at night. So if the trip isn’t necessary – then stay at home.

If you have been injured, and need legal assistance, call #1000 on your cell phone for free. We will offer you a free claim assessment.

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Slip and Fall Prevention During April Showers

You’ve experienced it at one point or another. While walking to grab coffee on a lunch break a lapse of attention hits, and you’re distracted by something your boss said earlier. Suddenly your foot slides, your back twists, and soon you’re looking at the sky while seeing stars, even though its still daytime.

The rainy season is upon us. April showers have arrived. While we wait for May’s flowers to bloom, there are some necessary steps to take in order to avoid harmful injuries caused by puddles and lack of visibility.

Although you can say to yourself “it won’t happen to me”, or “I’m a cautious person”, heightened precautions can never harm, only help. The pain, suffering, and lack of income that can be experienced after a fall can be avoided using these tips and tricks.

At Home

Do you remember your mother always nagging at you to wipe your shoes on the welcome mat before you entered the house? Well, she had a good point. Wiping your shoes off after coming inside is a simple yet effective way of preventing accidents. If your shoes aren’t wet, you won’t slip, easy and your mother’s homemade pie.

Furthermore, it’s prudent to keep your eyes peeled for spills and muddy tracks dragged inside by family members or visitors. When the weather is especially rainy, it can be easy to find puddles of the outdoor downpour on your kitchen floor.

Out and About 

The first step to slip and fall prevention on the go starts with your footwear. It’s imperative to invest in a pair of non-skid shoes for the rainy season. That means that unfortunately, your favourite pair of high heeled pumps or your old sneakers with the flat soles are best to be thrown to the back of the closet for the springtime. 

When you are out of the house doing errands, you are at a higher risk for slips than within the familiar confines of your home. From the workplace kitchen to the department store, be quick to observe if anyone has left a spill on the floor. Spilled liquids such as beverages, soap, or grease can be slippery without appearing hazardous, so be careful to watch your step.

Additionally, be mindful when using staircases. Handrails are meant to be gripped, and can prevent slips on patches of liquid that even a trained eye couldn’t detect. Furthermore, while climbing the stairs, do not carry objects that obstruct your line of sight.

When you’re young, slipping doesn’t appear to be the most threatening thing that could occur. As you age, however, the risks associated with falling increase dramatically. Furthermore, the financial and emotional burdens that an injury can inflict upon individuals can be highly stressful.

Have you recently been injured on the sidewalk or at your workplace due to unsafe conditions caused by the rainy season? At Dye and Russell, we strive to ensure that those dealing with a personal injury get properly reimbursed to pay for the treatment of their injuries. Our clients don’t pay us until their cases are settled or won, because the last thing they need is another expense.

Fast dial #1000 free from your cell and we’ll get you the support you need.

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The Growing Dangers of Distracted Driving in Ontario

While the age of technology has provided advances and innovation that mankind once deemed impossible, it has a dark side. Societies unyielding need to be constantly plugged is proving to be highly dangerous.

While someone bumping into you on the sidewalk due to being distracted by his or her cell phone is irritating, the risks heighten dramatically when individuals are distracted by technology behind the wheel of a motorized vehicle.

Ontario law deems it illegal for drivers to dial, talk on the phone, type messages, text, and send emails while driving. Studies have shown that those who use their cell phone behind the wheel are four times more likely to crash than those who keep their eyes on the road ahead.

While looking down at your phone to read an important message for a brief two seconds may seem harmless, this momentary lapse of attention doubles your crash risk. No message is more important than your life and the lives of the drivers surrounding you.

Not only is the use of cell phones banned by drivers operating a vehicle, but even glancing at a display screen unrelated to driving is too. Some examples of prohibited devices are:

  • iPods
  • Cell phones
  • Smart phones
  • DVD players
  • Laptops
  • GPS screens
  • MP3 players

With the rate of distracted driving going up, the government is strengthening the punishments on the offense to help prevent senseless collisions. The fines or penalties you can incur for distracted driving if you are a fully licensed driver are as follows:

  • A fine of $400, an additional victim surcharge, and court costs. This totals to $490 if your case is settled
  • Fine of up to $1000 if a summons is received or you fight your ticket
  • Three demerit points added to your driving record

However, there are ways to use your devices while staying concentrated on the road and avoiding distracted driving charges. They are as follows:

  • Cell phones: If your phone has an earpiece, or is connected via Bluetooth you can use it only to activate the “hands-free” function. This exemption is only permitted if the device is mounted. You are not allowed to touch or scroll through it.
  • GPS: If your GPS is mounted on the dashboard or windshield, doesn’t obstruct your view of the road, and you inputted the information before you began driving – you are in the clear.
  • Media player plugged into the cars sound system: Permitted as long as the playlist was activated before you began driving


In the event of an emergency, you can use a hand-held device to call 911, but only if you’re in a situation that is causing danger to your safety or the safety of others. If you need to make a call, pull over if you can and keep the duration short.

At Dye and Russell, we’ve seen first hand how distracted driving collisions impact the emotional and physical health of our clients.

If you have been injured, and need legal assistance, call #1000 on your cell phone for free. We will offer you a free claim assessment.

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