What every parent ought to know about bike safety

Your guide to make your child’s ride to school a safe one.

Cycling to school can be a great opportunity for you and your children. Not only does it begin creating healthy fitness habits for your child, but it also creates a bonding activity for the both of you.

However, cycling poses some serious dangers to your child. Before you hit the road, or trail, with your kids make sure you read over these tips from Liv:

1. Pick an appropriate route

Before venturing out with your children on a bike-ride to school consider the route you are going to take. Ride it first on your own and notice any key aspects of the route. Are there bike paths available? What is the traffic like when you will be biking? How long or steep is the ride? If the route has lots of traffic, is too difficult for you child’s fitness level, or poses dangers for their experience level you should find a safe and appropriate route for them, or reconsider.

2. Prepare your child’s bike

Kids grow quickly, and that means they can grow out of their bicycles quickly. Make sure that your    child’s bike still fits, and that it works properly. Teach your children to check the air pressure, breaks and chain before hopping on their bike each time to prevent an accident or injury. Also, your child’s bike should have a horn or bell, as well as proper lights in case of inclement weather or riding at night.

3. Get and adjust a certified helmet

According to Ontario law anyone under the age of 18 must wear a helmet while cycling. But it takes more than just wearing one to protect your child. The helmet needs to fit properly. While purchasing a helmet make sure it is the correct size, as well as certified, and before your child wears the helmet make sure you adjust it for proper fit. Never let your child wear a helmet that has already experienced impact.

4. Avoid dangerous clothing

Wearing certain types of clothing while biking can create a safety hazard for your children. Children should avoid wearing footwear that could get caught in parts of the bike—like running shoes with untied shoe laces or loose sandals. Also, loose pant legs or other loose pieces of clothing below the waist can become caught in parts of the bike and should be avoided.

5. Educate on bike safety

Before you and your child leave home on your bikes you should talk to your child about bike safety. Going through the basics of yielding to and communicating with pedestrians, biking on the right side in a straight predictable line, and taking caution at intersections or driveways is a must. Also, have your children practice good communication with drivers.  Making eye contact with drivers to make sure they are seen and using biking signals to communicate with drivers are skills they should learn as early as possible.

Even if you and your children are practicing safe cycling, sometimes you can still be injured by others. If you or someone you love has been injured by another party’s negligence while cycling we can help with their recovery journey.

Fast dial #1000 free from your cell and we’ll get you the support you need.

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How to practice self-care as a caregiver

5 simple steps to take back your well-being

When you become a caregiver, often it’s your own needs that quickly take a backseat in order to put those you care about first. However, taking care of your own well-being is essential to be able to continue caring for those who rely on you, and as we practice self-care the person you care for benefits as well.

Taking small steps to maintain your well-being is essential. Here are some simple steps from the Family Caregiver Alliance you can take as a caregiver to help keep you burning bright instead of burning out.

1. Reduce stress

Stress stems from many different avenues, and it’s important to be cognizant of stress in your life, the forms it takes in your actions, where it comes from and what part of those stressors you can change. Next, explore de-stressing activities until you find one that works for you. Meditation, taking a walk, regular exercise or chatting with friends are all things you can try.

2. Take care of your physical health

You’re so focused on others’ physical health it can be easy to forget your own. Give your body the fuel it needs by making a full night’s sleep and eating nutritious food a daily priority. Incorporating exercise into your routine is important as well, even if for just 10 minutes a day. In addition to daily actions to take care of your personal health taking time to see a physician when you need to is crucial. Make your appointments at convenient times and go prepared with all your questions.

3. Seek and accept support

Knowing when you need help is a sign of strength. When it comes to needing support with your caregiving, break down things you need help with into simple tasks so it’s clear and easy for others to understand how to help you, or what you’re asking for. For example, you’re overwhelmed and cooking takes up a lot of your time. You could ask a friend who offered assistance to help you with preparing meals once a week. Seeking emotional support is also important as well. There is no shame in reaching out to friends, counselors or support groups when you need someone to talk to.

4. Be cognizant of your feelings/mind set

Since caregiving can be a very emotional it’s important to recognize what you are feeling. You are allowed to have a range of emotions about your life as a caregiver. Recognize what they are and if they become overwhelming or intense seek support and reduce stress. Changing your mindset can have a huge impact on your emotions. If you have an overly negative view of your situation try to change it.

5. Set goals

Starting a journey of self-care is a positive change but a life change nonetheless. Whether you are starting from the very beginning, or you want to improve your existing self-care, the change you seek to make in your life can fall away from your attention if you don’t keep yourself accountable. Setting goals and sticking to them is a great way to do this. Break down your goals into smaller achievable ones that will help you get there.

If you have been injured, and need legal assistance, call #1000 on your cell phone for free. We will offer you a free claim assessment.

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10 small life changes to help reduce chronic pain

Chronic pain can be debilitating. Living with this chronic condition can have an immense effect on your life, health and relationships, making it difficult to stay positive.

But there are a few small life changes you can try to navigate your road to a life with less pain. Here are some tips from WebMD to reduce your chronic pain that might work for you:

1. Meditation

Learning meditation can be a great way to relax. The calm and relaxation that meditation aims to achieve through focusing and quieting your thoughts can not only help you relax mentally but also physically. Reducing the amount of stress in your body can in turn help reduce the pain in your body and help relax the stress it puts on you mentally.

2. Destress

Living with chronic pain can make you feel a gamut of negative emotions due to the limitations and sensations it can introduce into your life. Since your body and mind work together these negative emotions can in turn intensify the initial pain.

By taking control of stress in your life you can help reduce your pain by breaking the cycle. To destress try a number of things to see what works for you. Introducing activities like listening to music that relaxes you, and progressive muscle relaxation are just some things that might work for you.

3. Exercise

Exercising causes your body to release endorphins, which interact with receptors in your brain that can reduce pain perception. Aside from the physical benefits of regular exercise like reduced heart disease risk and controlled blood sugar levels, regular exercise has been shown to reduce stress, improve sleep, reduce feelings of anxiety and depression, as well as boost self esteem. Before choosing on an exercise regime make sure to ask your doctor what exercise is right for you.

4. Alcohol

Living with chronic pain can make sleep difficult. Consuming alcohol, can seem like a good way to help with sleep since it helps induce sleep—but it actually reduces

the amount of restorative rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. Reducing the amount of alcohol you consume, or cutting it out completely, could improve your quality of life.

5. Support groups

The mental toll of chronic pain can be immense. Meeting others dealing with chronic pain through support groups not only can make you feel less alone in coping with the pain but can be a great avenue to discover ways others cope with chronic pain. It’s not uncommon for people with chronic pain to develop depression. Seeking out help from a mental health professional can be very beneficial to your overall health.

6. Smoking

Having a smoking habit carries with it a number of negative health effects. While smoking may give you an initial boost from the nicotine, the lasting negative effects from the habit can make your chronic pain worse. There’s evidence suggesting that smokers are at an increased risk of developing certain chronic pain disorders and experience more intense pain than non-smokers. Quitting smoking and reducing your exposure to secondhand smoke can be beneficial to your overall health and your chronic pain.

7. Keep track

Help your doctor give you the best treatment possible by keeping track of your pain. At the end of every day note your pain that day on a scale from one to 10 and what activities you did that day. Bringing this information to your doctor appointments can help your doctor understand your pain and your physical functioning. Better treatment could mean less pain.

8. Massage

Getting a massage can help your chronic pain in a number of ways. Massage can reduce stress which can help you relax mentally as well as physically. Massage also relieves tension in your muscles which can help with pain relief.

9. Diet

What you eat has a massive effect on your health. Making sure you have a well-balanced diet can have a positive effect on your overall health and is important for anyone living with a chronic condition.

10. Distraction

What are you passionate about? What do you like doing? Instead of focusing on your pain, diverting your focus to activities that you enjoy can help distract you from the pain. Not only will they divert your attention but incorporating them into your day-to-day will enrich your life as well.

Fast dial #1000 free from your cell and we’ll get you the support you need.

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What is Your Circle of Care?

Your world can be turned upside down in the wake of an accident. The aftermath can cause physical, mental, emotional and financial stress on you and your family that can be very overwhelming.

Navigating the path to recovery can be difficult, so it’s important to reach out to your circle of care, or people that are able to help you with the services you need to get there. Each member of the team plays an important role to get you on your way to recovery – here is a list of the top eight that you should have documented and prepared.

1. Police and EMS


When involved in a serious accident where property is damaged or you are injured (like a traffic accident) it’s crucial to immediately report the accident to police. In addition to tickets they may issue, their reports are detailed and contain valuable information about the details of the accident and the at-fault party. These are important documents if you later need to build a case while seeking the personal or property damages you need

Emergency Medical Services (EMS)

The first responders to your serious injury are usually EMS. They play a key role in providing care to you as soon as possible and are the first step towards your physical care and recovery. They also write detailed reports about your injuries and the medical care provided to you by them, which are useful while building a case for the compensation you need.

2. Social Workers

If you’re seriously injured, those close to you and your caregivers can be affected immensely. Social workers can be a great support to your family or caregivers to help solve problems and cope with the changes that the accident has brought into your life, and the lives of those around you.

3. Insurance

Insurance companies play an important role in your access to the personal or property damages you deserve. While seeking personal or property damages, you will usually be dealing with the insurance company to get the money you deserve.

4. Psychologists and Family Counselors

Personal injury doesn’t only cause physical distress—it can cause mental and emotional stress as well. And it cannot only affect you but those very close to you as well. Reaching out to psychologists and family counselors when needed to help cope and deal with the stress and emotions involved with a personal injury is important for well-being and a smoother road to recovery.

5. Doctors

Doctors provide assessment, treatment and examinations throughout the personal injury recovery journey. It’s important to see a doctor early and let them know about even the smallest injuries or mental stress associated with the accident – follow their instructions for care and go to any necessary follow-up appointments. When interacting with doctors for examinations it’s important to give proper backstories while being very descriptive and showing that the injury you’re experiencing has changed over time and why. Doctors provide many pieces of documentation used during and after your recovery that is important for building your case for the personal damages you need.

6. Registered Nurses

Being in the hospital due to a personal injury can make nurses a key role in the journey to recovery from injury. They provide essential treatment of your injury in addition to education about it.

7. Rehab and Physiotherapy

Accidents can cause a range of personal injuries, some of which physiotherapy or physical rehabilitation provide fantastic treatments for. Physiotherapists can also help with the recovery journey by providing education about the injury and helping enable management of it and it’s symptoms.

8. Personal Injury Lawyers

Personal injury lawyers are there to protect you. They represent you and work hard to get you what you deserve in your journey to recovery.

Dye and Russell works hard to protect your rights and get you the best possible outcome on your claim. We are a dedicated part of your circle of care that makes sure everyone is committed to helping you recover and supporting you every step of the way.

If you have been injured, and need legal assistance, call #1000 on your cell phone for free. We will offer you a free claim assessment.

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Liability and the Internet of Things

Who is responsible when automation goes wrong?

Today a lot of the products you depend upon are being put online. From vacuum cleaners and fitness trackers to home thermostats and home security cameras, chances are you probably own at least one of the many connected devices for sale.

But besides small commercial items, more expensive and industrial products are also being added to the Internet of Things. The growing amount of software and connectivity in cars is expanding quickly and full automation looks to be close on the horizon.

Connectivity in all sorts of items can have great benefits. For example, in connected cars benefits can include increased road safety, traffic management and sustainability in operation.

But could your connected devices carry more harm than you think? University of Cambridge professor Ross Anderson explained recently the safety implications of our connected devices in a study Standardisation and Certification of the ‘Internet of Things’.

He found that as the products we rely on for our lives become more technically complex, and more connected, that the current discussion issues around security of these devices will evolve from being mostly a privacy concern into a concern for public safety.

“What we are doing is putting online an awful lot of devices on which people depend for their lives and which can kill people if they go wrong,” says Anderson.

The dangers of software defects, and the vulnerability to cyber attacks can cause concern with those whose lives depend on those products working properly and securely, as issues can cause serious harm, and even death.

Fast dial #1000 free from your cell and we’ll get you the support you need.

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How to stay safe while hiking

8 tips to follow while on the trail

Ontario is a great place to go for a hike. From the elevated viewpoints of the Ottawa/Temiskaming Highland Trail to the waterfalls along the Bruce Trail, hiking in Ontario can be an amazing way to see the province.

But while hiking can offer great views it can also be dangerous. Exposing yourself to the elements, getting up close and personal with nature or being ill-prepared for your hike can end in a serious injury.

Here are 8 tips from Kettering Health Network to help you stay safe on your next hike:

1. Plan ahead

If you’re hiking by yourself make sure to let someone know where you’re going and what time you’re expecting to return. If you’re going in a group it’s important to decide on a meet-up location before setting out on your hike, just in case anyone becomes separated from the group.

2. Wear the right clothing

Dress for your hike according to the terrain and the weather. That means proper shoes or hiking boots. As well, it’s important to protect yourself from tick bites by wearing long-sleeved shirts and long pants, which make it easier to see them and brush them off.

3. Teach yourself

Before you step foot on the trail learn how to spot and steer clear of toxic plants like poison oak, sumac or ivy.

4. Pack appropriately

Make sure to bring the essentials like water, food, a map, a compass/GPS, a whistle, a headlamp, a flashlight, a knife or multipurpose tool, insect repellent that includes DEET, sunscreen, sunglasses, rain gear and a first aid kit.

5. Hydrate

While you’re hiking it’s important to drink lots of water. As you hike your body sweats and loses fluid. Failing to drink water while you hike can leave you dehydrated and lead to heat-related issues like heat cramps, heat exhaustion and heat stroke.

6. Choose wisely

Never go off of the established trail and stay out of off-limits areas.

7. Pay attention

Today there are lots of digital distractions that can make their way into your hike. Whether you’re lost in some music, or have your eyes locked on a device, taking focus off of the environment around you (even for a short amount of time) could end in some serious consequences. Not paying attention to where you’re going can cause you to run into something or someone, and could cause you to make a bad step and result in injury. Make sure to keep your focus on the trail.

8. Pace yourself

It is important to not push yourself too hard—especially if you are new to hiking or are not very active. The last thing you want is to end up injured in the middle of the trail.

While you can take all these precautions to stay safe, unfortunately, sometimes you can still become injured on your hike.

If you have been injured, and need legal assistance, call #1000 on your cell phone for free. We will offer you a free claim assessment.

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Do I have a concussion?

How to check and know what to do next.

Summer is a great time to be outside soaking up the warm weather and playing sports.

Picking up your favourite game like soccer or football can be great fun, but the fast pace and contact (intentional or unintentional) in these sports means it can be easy to get an injury while playing. A heading mishap or a bad hit could leave you with a concussion.

Reframe Health Lab, an educational health care resource has a guide to help guide you in knowing whether you’ve had a concussion and what to do next:


Concussions are a traumatic brain injury where the brain moves rapidly within the skull, causing bruising. They can be caused by a number of things, from falls to blows, and are followed by symptoms that can affect your physical abilities, thought abilities, emotions, and ability to sleep.

You can have suffered a concussion even if you didn’t lose consciousness, didn’t get a direct hit to the head and didn’t feel symptoms immediately. Getting hit elsewhere on your body can still shake your head and it can take up to 48 hours for symptoms to appear.

Signs and Symptoms:

There are a wide range of symptoms you should look for after a suspected concussion.

Physical symptoms can include headache, pressure in the head, neck pain, nausea/vomiting, dizziness, blurred vision, balance problems, sensitivity to light/noise, fatigue, drowsiness and trouble falling asleep.

There are also mental and emotional symptoms of a concussion including feeling slowed down, feeling in a fog, not feeling right, difficulty concentrating, difficulty remembering, confusion, being more emotional, irritability, sadness and nervousness/anxiousness.

Immediate Steps:

If you suspect you have a concussion you should immediately remove yourself from the game and rest.

If you experience a sudden change in symptoms or have severe headache/neck pain, repeated vomiting, seizure, slurred speech, confusion or unresponsiveness you need to go to the ER immediately because there may be a more serious problem that requires immediate attention.

However, even if you don’t have a sudden change in symptoms it’s a good idea to get a baseline assessment and general advice from a medical professional.

Going forward it’s important to take it easy by limiting stimulation, taking time off of work or school and using a diary to track what you do and how it feels. You can gradually build your activities back to what they were but being honest about how you feel is important as others cannot see that you have a concussion.

Fast dial #1000 free from your cell and we’ll get you the support you need.

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Help your children have a safe summer: how to avoid injuries at home

It’s that time of year again. The weather is getting warmer, pools are opening and children are getting ready for summer break.

But with time away from the classroom and more time spent playing and exploring, it is important to make sure your child’s safety is your number one priority. A great way to do this is to ensure your home is safe for their summer activities.

In order to help keep your children out of harm’s way the Canada Safety Council recommends a number of different actions you can take to make your home a safer place.

1. Communication

Talk with your children about injury prevention. This will help to build positive attitudes around safety. Making sure to incorporate safety into your summer plans will help children to learn about injury prevention through example.

2. Vehicles

Make sure to protect your keys, as well as ensure your car doors and trunk are locked when your car is parked at home. Children may try to get inside your car to play. This can result in them trying to drive or locking themselves inside. Also, do a walk-around check of your vehicle for anything that may be hiding in your blind spots before driving.

3. Windows and Balconies

Supervise children while they are on a balcony or near a screened window, and remove objects they can use to climb to a balcony or window ledge. Falls are the leading cause of unintentional injury causing hospitalization among children in Canada. Children can push through or fall from these places so it is important to protect children in these locations.

4. Blinds

Blind cords can pose a strangulation hazard to young children. Keep cords out of their reach, and cut and shorten the ends of looped cords. Another option is switching to curtains.

5. Swimming Pools

Do you have a pool at home? If so, swimmers should be supervised at all times and weak swimmers should always wear a life jacket or PFD. Backyard pools are the number one location where children under the age of five drown, and most are alone when it occurs.

6. Trampolines

Trampolines can be a fun summer toy for children to play with, but they can also be very dangerous. Children under the age of six shouldn’t be using a trampoline and adults should inspect the trampoline and supervise children while they use it. To prevent injury make sure children are using the trampoline one at a time, not jumping onto, or off of, the trampoline and not doing flips or somersaults.

7. Sun Protection

The warm weather in summer means your children will probably be playing outside. Make sure to protect them from the sun by applying SPF 15 or higher at least 20 minutes before going out and reapplying often. Also, children under the age of one should be kept out of the sun.

If you have been injured, and need legal assistance, call #1000 on your cell phone for free. We will offer you a free claim assessment.

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Top Causes of Spinal Cord Injuries


We’re all aware that the old saying, “you step on a crack, you’ll break your mothers back”, is merely a fabrication chanted by children on the playground.

However, spinal cord injuries, while not instigated by kids stepping out of place on the sidewalk, are far more common then the general public is even aware of. The following are some of the top causes of spinal cord injuries to look out for:

  • Motor vehicle accidents.Auto and motorcycle accidents are the leading cause of spinal cord injuries, accounting for more than 35 percent of new spinal cord injuries each year.
  • Spinal cord injury after age 65 is most often caused by a fall. Overall, falls cause more than one-quarter of spinal cord injuries.
  • Acts of violence.Around 15 percent of spinal cord injuries result from violent encounters, often involving gunshot and knife wounds, according to the National Spinal Cord Injury Statistical Center.
  • Sports and recreation injuries.Athletic activities, such as impact sports and diving in shallow water, cause about 9 percent of spinal cord injuries.
  • Alcohol use is a factor in about 1 out of every 4 spinal cord injuries.
  • Cancer, arthritis, osteoporosis and inflammation of the spinal cord also can cause spinal cord injuries.”

Unfortunately, you can’t always prevent these injuries from inflicting themselves on your body.

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How to Avoid Bicycle Accidents this summer

Cycling is a fantastic way to get from point A to point B, just ask the hoards of individuals who swear by their two-wheeled morning commute. However, cyclists are at risk for injury each time they hit the streets.

Fortunately, if you are a cyclist, there are a variety of ways in which you can practice accident prevention and stay safe. Here are some of the leading causes of bike accidents and how to avoid them:

“The Right Cross

This is the most common way to get hit. A car is pulling out of a side street, parking lot, or driveway on the right.  Notice that there are actually two possible kinds of collisions here:  Either you’re in front of the car and the car hits you, or the car pulls out in front of you and you slam into it.

How to avoid this collision:

  1. Get a headlight. If you’re riding at night, you absolutely should be using a front headlight.  It’s required by law, anyway.  Even for daytime riding, a bright white light that has a flashing mode can make you more visible to motorists who might otherwise Right Cross you.  Look for the new LED headlights, which last ten times as long on a set of batteries as old-style lights.  And headlamps (mounted on your head or helmet) are the best, because then you can look directly at the driver to makesure they see your light.
  2. Wave. If you can’t make eye contact with the driver, wave your arm.  It’s easier for them to see your arm going left and right than it is for them to see a bicycle coming straight towards them.  You could also use a loud horn to get drivers’ attention.
  3. Slow down. If you can’t make eye contact with the driver (especially at night), slow down so much that you’re able to completely stop if you have to.  Sure, it’s inconvenient, but it beats getting hit.
  4. Ride further left.  When that driver is looking down the road for traffic, he’s not looking in the bike lane or the area closest to the curb; he’s looking in themiddleof the lane, for other cars.  The farther left you are, the more likely the driver will see you.  There’s an added bonus here: if the motorist doesn’t see you and starts pulling out, you may be able to go even farther left, or may be able to speed up and get out of the way before impact, or easily roll onto their hood as they slam on their brakes.

The Door Prize

A driver opens his door right in front of you.  You run right into it if you can’t stop in time.  This kind of crash is more common than you might think: It’s the second-most common car-bike crash in Toronto.

How to avoid this collision:

Ride to the left. Ride far enough to the left that you won’t run into any door that’s opened unexpectedly. You may be wary about riding so far into the lane that cars can’t pass you easily, but you’re more likely to get doored by a parked car if you ride too close to it than you are to get hit from behind by a car which can see you clearly.

The Right Hook

A car passes you and then tries to make a right turn directly in front of you, or right into you. They think you’re not going very fast just because you’re on a bicycle, so it never occurs to them that they can’t pass you in time. Even if you have to slam on your brakes to avoid hitting them, they often won’t feel they’ve done anything wrong. This kind of collision is very hard to avoid because you typically don’t see it until the last second, and because there’s nowhere for you to go when it happens.

How to avoid this collision:

  1. Don’t ride on the sidewalk.When you come off the sidewalk to cross the street you’re invisible to motorists. You’re just begging to be hit if you do this.
  2. Ride to the left.Taking up the whole lane makes it harder for drivers to pass you to cut you off or turn into you. Don’t feel bad about taking the lane: if motorists didn’t threaten your life by turning in front of or into you or passing you too closely, then you wouldn’t have to. If the lane you’re in isn’t wide enough for cars to pass you safely, then you should be taking the whole laneanyway.
  3. Glance in your mirror before approaching an intersection.(If you don’t have a handlebar or helmet mirror, get one now.) Be sure to look in your mirrorwell before you get to the intersection. When you’re actually going through an intersection, you’ll need to be paying very close attention to what’s in front of you.

The Rear End

You innocently move a little to the left to go around a parked car or some other obstruction in the road, and you get nailed by a car coming up from behind.

How to avoid this collision:

  1. Never, ever move left without looking behind you first.Some motorists like to pass cyclists within mere inches, so moving even a tiny bit to the left unexpectedly could put you in the path of a car. Practice holding a straight line while looking over your shoulder until you can do it perfectly. Most new cyclists tend to move left when they look behind them, which of course can be disastrous.
  2. Don’t swerve in and out of the parking lane if it contains any parked cars.You might be tempted to ride in the parking lane where there are no parked cars, dipping back into the traffic lane when you encounter a parked car. This puts you at risk for getting nailed from behind. Instead, ride a steady, straight line in the traffic lane.
  3. Use a mirror.If you don’t have one, get one from a bike shop. There are models that fit on your handlebars, helmet, or glasses, as you prefer. You should always physically look back over your shoulder before moving left, but having a mirror still helps you monitor traffic without constantly having to look behind you.
  4. Signal.Never move left without signaling. Just put your left arm straight out. Be sure to check your mirror or loo behind you before signaling (since a car passing too closely can take your arm out).”

By implementing these strategies into your cycling, you will dramatically decrease your risk of being involved in a collision.

If you have been injured, and need legal assistance, call #1000 on your cell phone for free. We will offer you a free claim assessment.

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